"asking me on a date?"

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I opened my eyes. The sunlight bled through the blinds. I yawned and scratched my head. Sitting up, I saw there was a blue piece of paper on the floor. I reached for it lazily. I picked it up and laid back in bed.

"Meet us outside.
-C.A.L.M. xx"

I sighed and stood up. Just as I did, my head started to hurt. I ignored it and threw on a sweater and some sweatpants and made my way down the stairs. I walked down the halls and out the front door. Luke and Michael were playing guitar and Calum was singing. Ashton had a cardboard box on his lap, which he was banging on.

"Hey, Sara." Luke stopped playing guitar.

The others stopped what they were doing and said "Hi".

"Hello." I waved awkwardly.

"How are you?" Michael asked.

"Fine." I said.

Just as I did, my head began to hurt even more.

"You sure?" Calum asked, standing up and setting his guitar on the porch.

"Yeah, I'm fi-"

Everything went dark.

"SHANE!" Mum tried to pull Papa away from me.

Papa punched my stomach hard. I could feel my bones breaking.

"STOP!" She cried.

I saw Sam at the corner of my eye, crying his eyes out. Papa roared in anger, and threw me to the wall. He angrily stomped away. My entire body felt numb.

"SARA!" Mum ran up to me.

She lifted my shirt and gasped. She put a hand over her mouth and began to cry. I looked down and saw one of my rib bones was poking out of my skin. Blood dripped down my stomach.

Sam ran up to us, and hugged my head tightly. I felt like I couldn't breath. My throat felt closed up. I tried to gasp for air but no air was going in.

Mum picked me up and held Sam's hand. She ran out the house with me in my arms and put me in Papa's car. Sam sat next to me, still crying. Mum got in the front seat and looked for the keys.

I closed my eyes, trying to breathe. Only a little bit of air entered my body at every breath. I looked down at my bloodstained clothes.

Papa had just came home from somewhere angry and began punching me in the stomach for no reason.

"Mum, where are we going?" Sam asked.

"We're taki-"

I blacked out.

I opened my eyes. I was laying on the couch, the boys surrounding me. I couldn't hear them, but they were saying things. I tried breathing in, but nothing came in. My lungs felt heavy, like there were 110 pound weights laid on them.

I tried and tried to breathe but nothing came in. I put my hands over my neck trying to explain that I couldn't breath. My body felt light as a feather and I was feeling dizzy.

I was completely terrified. The boys started panicking around me, pulling out their phones. I tried to talk, but I couldn't. Just as I felt like my lungs were going to burst, I screamed and a sharp pain pierced into my lungs. I started breathing again, my lungs hurting at every breath.

"SARA?" Luke shouted, a worried expression written across his face.

I started crying, still terrified of what just happened.

"What happened?" They all asked.

Ashton was on the phone, biting his nails. Michael walked over to him, and he hung up.

"I couldn't breathe. I had a flashback. I don't know why." I said, still crying.

"You're okay now." Luke said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I sat up and tried to stop crying. They all started singing, trying to calm me down. I eventually stopped crying, and almost fell asleep.

"Sara?" I heard Calum ask.

I was laying on his chest, feeling drowsy and ready to fall asleep.

"Hmm?" I closed my eyes.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

"I have no idea." I sighed, opened my eyes and sat up.

"Did anything trigger you?" Michael asked me.

"I'm not sure. I just had a headache. Nothing else." I told him.

"We're taking you to the doctor's tomorrow." Luke said, looking down at his hands.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You just had another flashback. Jess told me you had gotten way more than usual while we were gone. We just want to make sure you're really okay." Calum said.

"Oh." I said, still feeling drowsy.

"You look tired." Ashton pointed out.

"I am. But I just woke up." I told him.

"Go back to bed if you want." Luke told me.

"I want to, but I don't want to." I told them.

"What?" Michael asked.

"I want to, but I don't want to." I repeated.

"Well, we were gonna tell you that we were thinking of collaborating with Arrow." Ashton said, sounding excited.

"Really?" I jumped in my seat. "Awesome!"

"I know right?" Calum clapped and jumped along with me.

"I'm hungry." Luke said.

"PIZZA." Michael shouted.

"YAY!" I cheered.

"Okay. I'll order right now." Ashton said, walking out the room.

The others left except Luke.

"Hey, Sara?" He asked, sliding over to my side.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"Wanna go to the mall sometime?" He smiled back.

"Are you, Luke Hemmings, asking me on a date?" I giggled.

"What? No," he scratched his head. "Okay, yeah."

I laughed. He blushed.

"Of course."

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