"anxiety attack"

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"You probably had an anxiety attack." Dr. Howard told her.

"How will I know when it happens again?" She asked him.

"You can't really tell. Just be careful." He said, looking down at his clipboard.

"Okay." Sara sighed.

I frowned at Dr. Howard. Something about him gave me a bad vibe. He looked sketchy. I have no idea why. He just does.

I ignored the weird feeling and looked back at Sara. I'm taking her to the mall on Saturday. I mentally squealed once again. She looked up at me and I looked down at my feet. I could feel myself blush.

Why am I blushing?

I heard Mr. Howard and Sara start talking again. I zoned out for a while until I felt Sara pinch my shoulder.

"Ow!" I rubbed my shoulder.

"I was calling you. We can go now." She said, looking a bit frustrated.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He gave me a new medication." She sighed, handing me a slip of paper. "I have to take 2 every morning after breakfast."

"Plus the ones you're already taking?" I asked.

"Yup." She rubbed her temples.

"Oh." I didn't really know what else to say.

"Come on, I'm hungry."


More pills? I hate them. They remind me of the ones Mum used to take. She said it was so she could feel happier, but they never really changed her mood much.

I sat next to Luke in the van as we drove back home. He said he was gonna make me lunch.

Since when could he cook?

I looked out the window. It was a sunny, April morning. The streets of London were crowded, tourists coming to and fro. I truly love London. Such a beautiful place.

The van took a sharp turn and my face hit the window.

"Ow." I rubbed my nose.

"You okay?" Luke asked me.

"Yeah." I said, looking up at him.

He chuckled and took my hand off my nose. I smiled up at him, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I quickly went back to looking out the window when my face began feeling hot.

I noticed a couple strange women walking down the street once the van stopped at a traffic light. The women walked in a straight line, hunched backs and large purses on their arms. One of them tripped over a plastic cup on the ground and fell. The others tripped on the one woman and they all fell like dominoes. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Luke asked, leaning towards the window.

"These funny women outside." I said, trying to stop laughing.

I finally did as we arrived back home. Our neighborhood was nice and quiet. No paparazzi chasing us. No crowds of fans coming after the boys. Just peace and quiet.

I liked it that way.

"So, how about that lunch?"

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