"came out of a meat grinder"

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"Hey." A boy said while walking in.

His curly hair was familiar, and his friends were familiar too.

"How are you?" A boy with dark brown hair asked me.

I stayed silent. They all looked at each other, worriedly.

"Are you going to speak?" A boy with blonde hair asked.

I stayed silent. I didn't know these guys, so why should I speak to them?

"Huh. Well you can't at least tell us your name?" A guy with dyed brown hair asked me.

"Do you even remember us?" The curly-haired one asked. "Remember two days ago, you asked us for our names? When we brought you here?"

"Ashton?" I said, unsure if it was the curly one's name.

"Yeah, that's me." Ashton smiled.

"Luke?" I said, looking at the one with dark brown hair.

"No, my name is Calum. That's Luke." He pointed at the blonde one.

"You're Michael, right?" I asked the one with dyed hair.

"Yup." He said.

"So you do remember us." Luke said, smiling.

They all smiled.

"Why are you here?" I asked them.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay." Calum said.

"What happened to you?" Ashton asked me. "You looked like you came out of a meat grinder."

"I-I-I can't s-say." I stuttered.

"Why not? We want to help you. Maybe bring you back to your family? Maybe help you find someone?" Michael said.

"You'll think I'm a freak if I told you." My eyes started to water. "And anyways, I don't care anymore. I could stay here all my life and rot if I had to."

"We want to help." Luke said, getting closer to the hospital bed. "No matter what had happened to you, we won't judge you."

I couldn't believe them. I wanted to. but I couldn't risk it. They all waited for an answer. I closed my eyes, and said it anyways.

"It-t w-was my p-papa." I said finally, sobbing right afterwards.

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