Chapter 1

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Tony's POV

"S-Steve it was-" I choked out. I hated crying but this was en exception. I just found out my son, Peter, is Spider-Man in the worst way possible.

We just finished fighting off Green Goblin and Sandman but not without some...complications. The Goblin got away and blew us all back with multiple bombs. They injured Spider-Man the most because he was standing the closest to the villain upon his escape.

We took the teenage hero back to my lab to get him fixed up but, of course, to do that you have to remove the mask.

Well, I removed the mask.

I removed the mask and looked into the face of my smart and innocent boy. My Peter.

"Our Peter," I whispered. My husband held me close. We were out in the hallway, away from the rest of the team.

"I know, honey. Shh, you don't want to have an anxiety attack," he whispered stroking my hair. I knew that inside he was just as shaken as I was. I tried to slow my breathing but I was upset and angry.

Why would he lie to us? I understand why he didn't tell Steve but I always let him have his freedom. And this is how he repays me? He basically spat in our faces.

My breathing picked back up. Steve pressed his lips to my temple as another tear slipped from my eye. I wiped it quickly.

"He'll come back to us," he reassured and held me tighter.

"Steve?" I said after a while.


"I don't want to go back in there," I said truthfully. I don't think I can handle seeing our son laying there unconscious in a Spider-Man suit. It broke my heart.

"We don't have to," he cooed. I felt my breathing slow down some.

"Peter's going to be okay," he promised.

Clint's POV

I stared at my nephew hooked up to wires that where desperately trying to pump blood through his veins. I kept squinting my eyes and turning my head expecting him to morph into someone else.

No one wanted this to be Peter. We all knew Peter wanted to be a hero but never like this. I always thought he was too much of a goodie goodie to go behind our backs like this.

A part of me was glad he wanted to help people by any means necessary. The other part of me thinks of incidents like this. I would never want to lose Peter. This little boy is what brought the team closer together. He made us a family.

Tony ran off crying to Steve. I can only imagine how they feel. They left about 20 minutes ago along with the rest of the team. We couldn't hide our surprise.

I was still down here. Jarvis would tell me how Peter was doing every now and then.

"You coming to bed?" A familiar Slovakian accent asked me. I smiled at my lover.

"In a sec. I just want to make sure he's okay," I said looking back down at Peter.

"I'm sorry," he said, "about your nephew."

I just nodded. He stood next to me and took my hand in his. I looked at the silver haired boy and smiled.

"Mr. Barton? Peter's heart rate is stabilizing," Jarvis informed me.

I quickly looked back down at Peter and saw his eyelids flutter.

"Come on buddy," I whispered encouragingly.

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