Chapter 24

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Just in case anyone thought different...

Harry is played by James Franco is this story!

Plus this is a really long chapter because Harry . XD

So please all aboard for another chapter of feels!

Thanks for voting/commenting and ENJOY!

Peter's POV

I was nervous at first to see Harry.

I read about people with schiz and it sounded terrible. The whole time I was reading I was in denial.

Harry couldn't have schiz.

Harry is always so happy and funny. He always jokes around and we'd always stick together during school. He would make jokes about the popular kids that had me laughing every time I saw them.

Harry can't have schiz.

They say people who are diagnosed with schiz were compulsive and suicidal. I shook my head and looked out of the window at the moving scenery.

Harry is going to be okay.

My Dad stopped in front a building that I assumed was the mental institution. Dad and Pops got out of the front seat while I was frozen still.

"You still want to do this?" Pops asked gently. I nodded and helped myself out of the car and to the front doors of the building.

I would be lying if I said this place didn't scare me. I heard screaming from one hallway and I unconsciously scooted closer to my parents.

Pops put one arm around my shoulder as Dad talked to the lady at the front desk.

"We're here to see Harry Osborn," he said. She clicked her pen and typed something on her keyboard.


"That's us," Dad replied.

She nodded. "A nurse is on her way to show you your way back."

We stood awkwardly in the middle of the sterile lobby before a nurse called us back. I didn't know what to feel as we walked down the long, white colored hallway to room 612.

Dad and Pops stood back some as the nurse was unlocking the huge, white door. I gave them a questioning look.

"You go. We'll be right out here," Dad filled in. I nodded slowly and my heart began beating faster as the nurse pulled the door back.

The sight in front of me made my blood turn cold and my heart drop.

There sat Harry. His back was pressed against the white wall and his knees were clutched to his chest. All the walls in his room were a blinding white that matched the sheets on the bed and the jumper Harry was wearing.

I took a step in the room and Harry's gaze snapped to me, his eyes filled with horror.

"I said leave me alone! Go away!" He screamed, scurrying to the far corner.

My heart was beating so loud in my head that I'm pretty sure the nurse beside me could hear it.

"Introduce yourself," the nurse whispered to me.

I opened my mouth but my throat was dry. I cleared my throat and tried again. "H-Hey Harry. It's me, Peter."

A flash of recognition passed his face as stood up. He shook his head and blinked a few times.


"Yes, Harry, it's me. I came to visit you," I said taking another slow step towards him. His eyes grew and he slowly started to grin.

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