Chapter 28

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Okayyy *takes deep breath* are you guys ready? I don't think you are lol.

Warning! These last two chapters are packed with feels.

Above are everyone's outfits for the wedding, the wedding rings, AND the place of the ceremony!

Obviously the blue & silver ring is Pietro's and the purple & silver is Clint's!

I couldn't really find a pic of Renner in a purple tie but in my story he will be wearing one!

This chapter is also close to 2,000 words long :O

I just couldn't resist lol that's why I had to split this into two chapters.

I REPEAT! THERE WILL BE ONE MORE CHAPTER AFTER THIS ONE (because you guys are awesome and I wanted to make this ending amazing)!


Feel free to cry and laugh and scream and shout xD

Thanks so much for votes/ comments! It literally means so much.

Kay, you guys ready? I'll end this A/N now so you cans start reading ;)


Clint's POV

"Shit, I can't believe this is really happening. The Clint Barton is getting married," Tony said straightening his striped, purple tie.

I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the huge mirror. I wore a nice black tux with a sleek, purple tie. I actually couldn't wait to see Pietro in his suit. He refused to show me, or anyone else but Wanda, what it looked like and I was curious.

"You ready for this?" Tony asked snapping me out of my day dream.

"Yes," I said confidently. I was ready to make Pietro mine. After putting up with him this long it's the least I expect.

Well, that and amazing honeymoon sex.

Tony came over to me and fixed my tie and flicked some invisible lint off my suit.

"Suit looks nice," he complimented.

I smiled. This was the side of Tony that I liked. The nice side. Not the cocky, sarcastic side but that didn't make him any less of my best friend.

"Thanks. You look good too," I said looking at all the purple he was wearing.

"Oh, I know," he grinned and checked himself out in the mirror. "I tried to keep it casual. Wouldn't want to show you up at your own wedding."

I rolled my eyes and he laughed. Before I got to spit something sarcastic back, Steve came in wearing his gray suit with a blue collared shirt and blue dotted tie.

"Hey, it's time." He said slidding into the dressing room. "Whoa, looking good Barton."

"Hey! What about me?" Tony pouted.

I snickered and stuck my tongue out at him. "You're husband obviously thinks I look better. So much for showing me up," I grinned.

If we were in a cartoon, steam would have be shooting from Tony's ears. I laughed at how pissed he was and scurried away from him.

"You're a dead man, Clint!" Tony screeched and would have pounced at me if it weren't for Steve pulling him back.

"Hey! Stop it! You're not going to kill him. He's getting married in less than an hour," Steve scolded.

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