Chapter 9

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Steve's POV

I woke up in bed alone for the third night in a row. Tony will still come in our room but he spends his nights in the lab.

I pushed the covers off and got out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen in sweats and old tank top searching for food.

Since I was the first one up, like always, I took out some things to cook. I turned the stove on to cook some pancakes and checked the time.

7:45 a.m.

Where is everyone at? I don't see how the rest of the team can just sleep the day away.

I fixed almost 20 pancakes for the team because they started to complain about how I only cook for Tony, Peter, and me. I started on the bacon when someone walked in.

"Morning Pops."

"Good morning, Peter. Why are you up so early?" I looked him up and down. He was smiling and already dressed.

"Wade texted me and asked me to meet him for breakfast," he beamed.

I smiled. It makes me happy to see my son so happy. He really likes Wade and as long as he doesn't get hurt I'm fine with it. I think he may actually be in love.

Uh, oh.

"That sounds nice. Where are you guys going?" I asked, flipping the bacon.

"Um, just to the cafe." He said shrugging. I put the bacon on a plate and decided the meal was still missing something.

"Oh, I know. We'll have apples," I said to myself. I found some apples, washed them, and set them on the cutting board. Tony gets upset when his apples aren't cut. He says they'll "mess up his perfect teeth."

"Pops? Are you even listening?" Peter sighed, his smile leaving his face.

Oh, right. I forgot I had fatherly responsibilities to tend to. "I'm sorry, Peter. I was just thinking."

"Yeah, breakfast is definitely more important than your son."

"Come on, Pete. You know I get a bit carried away when I cook. I heard what you said," he looked up at me then, "the cafe sounds nice."

He smiled, "yeah."

"So, you're not going to eat?" I asked when he started walking away.

"No, thanks."

I nodded and turned back to the apples on the counter before he spoke up again.

"Oh, and Pops. Thank you for approving Wade to be my boyfriend. It means a lot," he grinned. His smile reached his eyes as they lit up.

I stretched out my arms and he ran to me. I gave him a bone crushing hug and he laughed. His head reached my shoulder now and I smiled at how much he's grown. "You're welcome, Pete."

He pulled back with an apple in his hand. I looked at the counter to see he stole one from my pile during our hug.

I laughed as he ran away to the elevator. "Love you, Pops!" He called back.

"Love you too!" I shouted back before the elevator doors shut with Peter inside.

I set the food on the kitchen table and I heard a soft pad of feet coming down the hall. I smiled seeing Tony shuffling into the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hand.

He was wearing the same pants he had on from last night and an undershirt. You could tell he hadn't had a good nights sleep in a while but he still looked breathtaking to me.

"Steve? What are you doing up it's-," he looked at his watch and sighed.

"It's almost eight in the morning," I finished his sentence.

"I'm sorry. I was going to come to bed last night but," he stopped when I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"It's fine, honey. What are you working on?" I asked.

"Don't be mad but I'm fixing Peter's web shooters."

"What?" I said shocked and pulled back from him so I could look him in the eye. "Why?"

"They broke in fight but think about it babe. If we train him right he can be a great superhero. Hell, have you seen the news? He already is and he did that without us," he explained.

I was quiet for a moment. Are we really doing this? Our little boy is going to be a superhero.

"So we're going to let him do this? We're going to let him be Spider- Man?" I asked.

"Look at the past three years, Steve. He already is and I think he's going to do it regardless."

I looked down into his huge brown eyes and knew he was serious. We were doing this.


"Okay?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, we'll let him be Spider-Man," I restated.

He smiled up at me. A real smile. Not those fake smiles he gives the team when they try to make him laugh. I smiled knowing I was the only one that could make him do that.

I placed a gentle kiss on his lips causing him to smile again.

"Whoa, did I just walk in on something I wasn't supposed to see?"

I looked up and saw Bruce standing in the doorway. I chuckled and placed the apples on the table with the rest of the food.

Tony grinned and winked at Bruce causing his eyes to go wide.

"I don't wanna know," Bruce said quickly. "I'm starting to regret not taking my week off like Wanda and Vision."

" Awe, Bruce. Don't leave," Tony gushed and pinched Bruce's cheeks.

He slapped Tony's hand away and Tony began to laugh. I just shook my head at his childish behavior. Maybe he had some Scotch this morning.

"Breakfast is ready," I told them, breaking up the little fight they were in.

"Actually I had to tell you guys someth-" Bruce was cut off by Natasha running into the room.

"Where's Peter?" It sounded urgent. They all looked at me expecting me to know.

"Uh-he went to meet up with Wade at the cafe. He should be back after breakfast. Why? What's the problem?"

"He asked me to do some digging and try to find Harry," Natasha started.

"And what'd you find out?" Tony raised an eyebrow at them.

"Harry is the Green Goblin's son," Bruce finished.


Bayuuum!! Hello!

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I know I always ask but I really want to know because I read all the comments.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN AMERICA!! (His birthday is July 4th!)

I love how Captain America has the same birthday as America. This is one of the reasons why I love my fandom XD

Thanks for all the votes and comments! I appreciate them and they keep me writing.

Kay, byeee!

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