Chapter 13

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Peter's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking away dried up tears. I sat up and groaned at the pain in my back.

Concrete floors aren't necessarily comfortable to sleep on.

The chains on my hands clacked together as I put my hands in my lap. Okay, think Peter. How can I get out of here?

"Good morning. We were starting to think you were dead already," the voice said over the PA system.

I gulped at those two words. Dead already.

"We'll send your boyfriend right in and get to work then," he said. One second passed before the door slid open and that same damn Deadpool costume was staring at me.

I scrambled closer to the corner, feeling vulnerable. "G-get away from me!" I screamed.

I've heard that people who were brainwashed could snap out of it with the sound of people's voices. So that's what I did. I tried-no I begged him to listen to me because I really didn't want to lose him.

"Wade. Wade, please I know you're in there," I said trying to keep my voice steady. He strode over to me and just stood there. Four inches away from my face.

He placed a gloved hand to my cheek and I smiled slightly. Was this really working? He raised his other hand too but not to hold my hand.

His other hand balled into a fist and landed right in my stomach. I doubled over in pain. I almost fell to the ground when he pulled my back up and slammed me back against the wall.

"Second step towards breaking you. Abuse," the voice spat angrily.

He landed another punch in my stomach while his other hand came across and socked me in the jaw. I fell to the ground this time, screaming.

I could taste blood in my mouth and looked up at him through my eyelashes. He pulled his foot back and kicked me hard in the chest with his boots.

I squeezed my eyes shut so he wouldn't see me cry. Surely, the man in the shadows was watching me. Watching and waiting for me to break.

I curled up in a fetal position as he landed another kick on my arms, which were protecting my face. I turned over and he kicked me a few times in the side and back before leaving.

The automatic lights in my room turned off and I sat in the dark. When I finally slowed my breathing, my stomach grumbled loudly. It echoed throughout the empty room and I groaned.

I regret not eating those delicious looking pancakes that Pops were making yesterday morning. That apple I took was the only food I'd had all yesterday.

I cried.

Not because I was hurt.

Or hungry.

But because I was probably never going to see my parents again. I won't be able to taste my Pop's cooking again. I won't be able to help Dad in the lab. I won't be able to go to my dream college. I won't be able to find my best friend . I won't be able to see my Uncle Clint get married to a mutant speedster.

I thought back to the night he told me they were together. Were they wearing rings? Maybe they were already married.

I kept thinking about my family to distract myself from my current situation.

I remember the day after Wade first left for mutant school. It was the day after my 11th birthday and everyone felt bad. So we picked up Harry and all of us went to a carnival.

It was so fun. Uncle Clint won me a whole bunch of prizes and even a goldfish at the balloon dart game. Pops won me a giant penguin at the Test Your Strength game.

They all rode the rollercoasters with me except Uncle Bruce. He stood my the exit until he got annoyed at kids running up and asking him to do Hulk Smash.

I smiled at the memory.

When the fish Uncle Clint won me had died, Dad helped me make The Flush and took us out for ice cream.

It was only Dad, Pops, and me that time. I wouldn't have changed it for the world. We had sat in the park and talked and joked. Although neither of us said it, it reminded us of the time I first got adopted.

They took me for ice cream first and then dinner. I knew then I had the best parents ever.

3rd Person POV

"It's not working," one man said.

"What have I always taught you, my student?" Taskmaster responded.

"Patience is key, Master."

"Right. With patience this will work," he said back to his student.

"I can't believe this little kid is what was holding Wade back from joining us," another man said. He held Wade's cracked phone in his hand. He was looking at the picture Wade took of Peter and his parents hugging and smiling at the dinner table.

They were in the control room and Taskmaster was watching Peter through cameras. Taskmaster grinned as he saw the boy in fetal position, rocking back and forth.

"You heard the kid. He loves Wade," a different man said.

"He's näive. He thinks that if Wade loves him then it will stop all of this," the other man argued back showing him the picture.

"Talk about love is blind," a third man said from his side of the room. They all laughed except Taskmaster.

"If we don't kill him we at least have to leave nothing for him to come back to," Taskmaster commanded.

"Yes, Master," the three male students said in unison. Their teacher nodded and they went back to their small talk. Taskmaster turned to leave when one of his students called out to him.

"Master, are we going to feed the boy?"

The room was silent waiting for a response. The tension was building and the man began regretting his question.

"The human body can survive two weeks without food."

They knew the boy that was currently in the cell wouldn't last long without food, given that he was already thin. The students didn't question their teacher's response and just nodded.

They went back to work, making sure all their fields and defense systems were up. They busied themselves making sure no one would find Peter.


I'm sorry! Lol I really like this update tho.




LOL message or leave a comment if you saw it! I was hyperventilating at the part when....JK I'M NOT GONNA SPOIL IT!

I think it's funny how you can tell the Fans from the Non-Fans because Non-Fans always leave before the credits XD



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