Chapter 29

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Wade's POV

I know Clint is the one getting married and it's his special day but somehow I still felt like the happiest man at this wedding.

Hell, I felt like the happiest man in the world.

I got Peter back.

He's mine and I'm never letting him go again. The ceremony had just ended and now it was time for the reception.

The reception was inside this huge building that reminded me of a mansion. I watched Peter dancing around with his parents and uncles. He was laughing and smiling and I wanted him to stay that happy forever.

"Hey! Stop making googly eyes at my best friend," Harry snapped from beside me. I looked over at him and smiled at his protective behavior.

Before I could give him a sarcastic response, Peter waltzed over to us and plopped down on my lap. He kissed my cheek and Harry huffed. Harry pouted from the lack of attention he was receiving from his best friend and I winked at him.

"Hey, baby. You look so happy," I smiled and pecked Peter's lips.

"I really am! I'm so happy your here. Will you come dance with me?" He said happily.

"Of course," I smiled. He hopped up and pulled my hand towards the dance floor. We danced to a couple of songs, keeping it PG since his parents were right there.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want something?" I asked taking a break from all the jumping and dancing we were doing. He shook his head and smiled.

"No, thanks but hurry up. I don't want you to miss my toast," he said grinning. I nodded and kissed his cheek before heading off the dance floor.

I pushed through a small crowd trying to get to the drink table.

Geez, did they have to invite the whole cast of X-Men?

Well, this is a Superhero wedding.

Good point.

I laughed to myself and poured a glass of water. As soon as I took a sip I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and nearly spit in the strangers face out of shock.

"Sorry," I choked up, "didn't see you there."

Steve smiled and Mr. Stark was standing behind him with an eyebrow raised.

"Someone was looking for you," Steve informed. My heart stopped and I just stared at him blankly.

Me? Who could me looking for me? For Peter's sake, I hope it's no one here for Deadpool. I can never let that happen again but with a past like mine you get caught in some real ugly stuff.


"Come on. He's in the other room," Steve edged on and showed me the way. I gulped down the water and followed them out of the party and into a smaller, more reserved living room.

They stopped at the door of the room and I walked in already spotting a shadowed figure of a man. His back was turned away from me and he seemed to be staring at his hands or the floor.

"If you're here for Deadpool then you might as well leave. I'm just a regular guy now trying to live a regular life," I said walking towards the stranger.

Timed slowed down as he turned around and my heart sank to my feet. My jaw dropped to the floor because for the first time in my life I was speechless.

"Shit," the man breathed in awe. "It's true. You're still alive."

"Dad?" I choked out. I couldn't stop the tear that ran down my face even if I wanted to. Is this really happening? Is he really here? He looked exactly the same with his brown leather jacket on, jeans, and a white shirt.

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