Chapter 21

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Peter's POV

I crept around the corner and peeked around the wall. I squinted in the low lighting to see an all to familiar red and black suit.

My heart started pounding and I could feel the sweat on my brow. Deadpool turned around and his hands had fire spewing out.

I noticed the bodies on the ground. They were dead bodies. I noticed a familiar brown haired man with his eyes open. The blue light in his chest was flickering.

"Dad?" I cried.

He couldn't see me though. I noticed Pops beside him. They were lying on the ground still and lifeless.

Deadpool noticed me now and began walking to my hiding spot. I began backing up. I tripped on something and fell backwards on my butt, still staring it the white eyes of the Deadpool mask.

"P-Ple-Please," I cried profusely.

"Your parents can't save you now, love."

"No! Stop! DAD HELP!"

I shot up in bed screaming. My door burst open and my Dad and Pops came rushing in. The soft blue light of the arc reactor illuminated the spot on the bed where he sat.

He immediately took me in his arms while Pops was on the other side of me rubbing circles on my back.


"Shh, Peter. I'm here," Dad cooed.


"Peter, can you here me? You've got to calm down," Pops whispered softly.

I stopped counting and just cried in the comfort of my Dad's arms. They didn't say anything for a while. They just let me cry, clenching my comforter in my fist and leaning against my parents.

"Are you okay?" Pops asked.

"Y-Yes," I studdered.

"Nightmare?" Dad asked pulling away to look at me.

I nodded and hugged him. I was happy to see his arc reactor shining brightly and full of life.

"Please don't die," I whispered.

"We're not going anywhere," Dad said back. He wrapped his arms around me and Pops wrapped his arms around both of us.

I woke up the next morning to the smell pancakes and bacon. I rolled over in bed and checked the clock.

9:03 a.m.

I remembered my Dad rocking me to sleep in his arms after the nightmare last night. I sighed and pushed myself out of bed.

My stomach grumbled loudly as I made my way to the kitchen. Pops saw me as soon as walked in the kitchen.

"Hey, Pete! You feeling better?" He asked flipping a pancake. I smiled and snuck a piece of bacon from its place on the counter.

"I'll feel even better once I have some of your famous pancakes," I grinned, gnawing on the bacon.

Pops laughed and handed me a plate. "Of course. There are some pancakes already on the table," he said pointing to the tall stack on the table.

My eyes lit up and I forked four pancakes on the plate and two more pieces of bacon and some eggs. I was digging into the delicious breakfast when Dad and Aunt Tasha walked in.

"Morning," she smiled at me. Dad walked over to were I was sitting at the table and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled and finished chewing my food before responding. "Morning," I smiled at both of them. I felt so happy being back with my family.

Yet still, I felt like I was missing something. It wasn't until I finished eating that I figured out what I was forgetting.

"Hey, Aunt T? Did you ever find anything out about Harry?" I asked standing up and putting my plate in the sink.

Everyone in the kitchen froze and visibly tensed. I got worried now. What happened to my best friend? They didn't speak for a little while.

"Pops?" I asked hoping for some answers.

"Peter, I think we should wait a little while before-"

"Where's Harry?" I said raising my voice some.

"Do you remember the Green Goblin fight?" Aunt T asked me softly. I nodded numbly.

"That was Harry's father," Dad filled in.

I backed up slowly until I backed into the counter top. I was still staring in shock. I looked from Dad to Pops to Aunt T before I found my voice.

"W-Where is he?"

They all looked at each other before Aunt T decided to answer me.

"Peter," she said slowly, "he's in a mental institution."

"What?! Why?!"

"They diagnosed him with a rare case of schizophrenia. He has multiple attempts of suicide on his record ," she finished

The world felt like it was spinning and I had to sit on the floor so I wouldn't fall. I couldn't believe it. They continued to mob me with questions asking "if I was okay."

But I'm not.

My best friend tried to commit suicide. More than once. In a mental institution.

No, I'm definitely not okay.


I didn't forget about Harry!

This is his sad introduction.

You guys already know there's more drama and feels to come!

Thanks for voting & commenting!

You're the best! Update coming within the next few days!

I'm trying to finish this story before school starts. *rolls eyes*

Lol okay thanks again and Byeee!!

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