Chapter 7

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Wade's POV

I shouldn't have said yes.

This is dangerous.

Taskmaster gave me 2 days to report back to him but I'm not leaving Peter. He means more to me than anything.

I was riding up the elevator to the top floor of the Avengers tower now. I had a bouquet of roses in my hand for Peter. It wasn't a ton of roses but just enough to be romantic. I'm usually not romantic but I wanted to make a good first impression.

I also had two small boxes in my pocket for his dads. It's kind of like a 'Sorry' present for teleporting into their house uninvited.


The elevator beeped and the doors slid open slowly. Memories immediately started flooding back to me.

Memories of when I used to live here.

Memories of when Peter and I used to play X box in the living room and watch the huge, floor to ceiling TV.

Memories of my father.

Everything looked the same from all those years ago. I was so busy taking everything in that I didn't notice Peter running towards me.

"Wade!" Peter said excitedly and practically jumped on me. He wrapped his arms around my neck in a tight hug. I hugged him back with my arm that wasn't holding his flowers.

"Hey Baby Boy," I greeted.

He blushed and flicked his eyes over towards his parents that where now walking over here.

Right, no pet names in front of them.


Well, that's only our first mistake.

"Are those for me?" He asked pointing to the flowers.

Oops. Almost, forget about those too.

That makes two.

"Oh, yeah," I laughed nervously and handed him the flowers. He took them and smiled widely at them. His smile made me weak in the knees.

"Hello, Wade," Peter's Dad, the Captain America one, greeted and stuck his hand out for me to shake.

I gave him a firm handshake and smiled, "Hello Captain."

"Oh, please call me Steve." He smiled.

I nodded and stuck my hand out for Peter's other Dad, the Iron Man one, to shake. He gave me a reluctant but firm shake back.

"Tony," he introduced himself, "but please call me Mr. Stark."

Steve shot him a death glare and Peter rolled his eyes but I just laughed and nodded. "Yes sir," I replied. "Oh and I have something for you," I said searching my pockets. "Well both of you," I rambled.

Mr. Stark cocked an eyebrow but didn't say anything until I pulled out two small, cardboard boxes. I squinted at the pencil marks I made on the boxes to distinct Steve's from Mr. Stark's.

Finally, I switched the boxes around and gave them to them. Peter looked confused as he was watching them open their gifts. I was sweating bullets. I don't have that much money so it wasn't like I could afford something fancy.

"Oh, trading cards." Steve said, doing a terrible job at faking any excitement.

"A Black Sabbath bracelet?" Mr. Stark just sounded confused.

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