Chapter 22

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Peter's POV

I walked into the kitchen trying to get a snack since Pops hadn't cooked dinner yet. I grabbed some chips out of the pantry but froze in my tracks when I saw a man in a red and black suit.

He was standing in front of my parents.

I rubbed my eyes rapidly hoping my eyes were deceiving me. My blunt nails were stabbing into my palms as I watched them with a confused expression.

Am I dreaming again?

I swear I woke up this morning but this looked too much like my dream. Except in my dream, Dad and Pops were on the lying lifelessly on ground.

I suddenly became very scared that whoever was in that Deadpool suit was here to kill my parents. I desperately sprinted out in front of my parents.

"Peter?" Pops said bewildered.

"Back away from my parents. I know your here to kill them but your gonna have to go through me," I snapped at the man in the mask.

Deadpool immediately pulled his mask off revealing short, dirty blonde that only belonged to one face.



"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted. Why is he here?! And he's wearing the Deadpool suit! In front of my parents!

"Why would I kill your parents?!" He shouted back equally confused.

"Just a-uh- dream? But why are you here?" I said quickly changing the subject. Dad and Pops were still behind me and I was glad. I really didn't want to look them in the eye right now. They were just going to give me that disappointed look.

"I told them what happened!" He snapped back. He wasn't trying to be mean by yelling because his tone was desperate.

I still couldn't believe what he just said.


He didn't repeat himself. He just looked down at the mask in his hand with a guilty look. I slowly turned around to face my parents, slouching slightly under their strong gaze.

Dad was tapping his foot impatiently and Pops had his arms cross with the 'Captain America' look on his face.

"Something you want to tell us, Peter?" Dad asked.

"Wade told us everything," Pops put in as if he knew I would try to lie.

"I'm sorry," I begged, "I hate lying to you guys but I knew you would never let me see Wade again!"

"Damn right you can't see him anymore!" Dad yelled angrily. He ran a hand over his face as if that would help him calm down.

"Dad!" I objected.

"No, Peter! He's the reason you got kidnapped!"

"Why would you want to stay with him after something like that? You even had a nightmare about Deadpool, " Pops said in a calmer tone than Dad.

"Because I love him! Okay, you happy now? I love him and you guys are trying to take him away from me," I snapped, close to tears.

I didn't want to fight with my parents. I wanted Wade to hold me so I could cry in peace but I was mad at him. Why would he tell my parents? I turned around and it was like he read my mind.

"I'm sorry, Petey but they should know. I wouldn't want you lying to your parents because God knows I'd kill for mine back."

"You need to leave," Dad snapped at Wade.

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