Chapter 3

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Wade's POV

"It seems as if Spider-Man has been hurt and no sign of him waking up. The new villain, Green Goblin, got away before the heroes could catch him. The Avengers have taken Spider-Man with them for intensive care-"

My world was spinning. I was watching the news that was broadcasting an earlier fight involving Spider-Man, The Avengers, and two villains.

"There is still no sign of Sandman as he seems to have been defeated in this fight-"

My small TV was still playing the heart breaking news. I've been trying to reach Peter ever since but he wasn't answering me. From the looks of things, he was probably unconscious in the Avengers Tower.

I sat back on my old couch and ran my hand down my face. I should've been there for him.

He'll be okay. Let's hope he wakes up.

Yeah, that'd suck if we came all the way back to New York for nothing.

"Shut up!" I yelled to the voices in my head. I just need to be left alone.

No, I need to see Peter. I need to know he's okay. I need to hold him and remind him that we're okay.

'We're okay' were the magic words for us.

It calmed me whenever I was about to do something stupid. It helped him whenever he was stressed out. It was comforting and safe.

I was half sleep when my phone buzzed on my side. I pulled it out of my pocket and squinted at the bright screen.

'Message from Baby Boy .'

Wait, Peter? I quickly unlocked my phone and checked the message.

Baby Boy : I'm fine. My parents know.

Phew, he's alive. I reread the message again for comfort.

"Oh shit. Wait," I muttered when I read the last three words again. His parents know?

His parents know he's Spider-Man. I completely forgot they would find out after the battle today. I quickly responded to him, hoping he was still up.

Me: I'm so glad you're okay. Can I see you?
P.S. At least you don't have to hide Spidey anymore.

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