Chapter 27

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Peter's POV

"Harry, get your lazy ass up. We're going shopping," I said hitting him in the head with a pillow.

He groaned and rolled over. I rolled my eyes and went to get dressed. When I came back in he was pulling on his jeans that I'd given him yesterday.

"What are we shopping for?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Well, first. You're gonna need some clothes because you can't wear mine the whole time. And second, you can't wear jeans and a band T-shirt to my Uncle's wedding," I laughed.

He laughed and ran a hand through his dark brown hair to ruffled it a bit.

"Who is he getting married to?" He asked.

"His name is Pietro," I said making my way to the kitchen with Harry behind me.

"Oh my gosh. Is everyone gay in this house?" Harry throwing his arms up in desperation.

I laughed, "you're gay too."

"Half gay," Harry corrected. I laughed and shook my head. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed two bowls for Harry and I to make cereal.

Pietro was at the kitchen bar drinking some type of protein smoothie. Uncle Clint was across from him spreading nutella on a piece of toast.

"Morning, Peter. Who's your friend?" Pietro asked in his thick Sovokian accent.

"This is my best friend, Harry. Harry, this is my Uncle's fiancé, Pietro." I introduced. Pietro smiled widely and waved like a little kid while Harry gave a shy wave back.

Harry and I turned around to continue making our cereal and Uncle Clint and Pietro began talking.

"My God. He's hot," Harry whispered causing my to choke on my spit in laughter.

"You okay, Pete?" Uncle Clint asked patting my back. My laughter came in broken coughs and I nodded.

"M'fine," I said with a smile. Pietro looked at me and then Harry curiously.

"Are you all okay?" He asked looking directly at Harry.

I watched as Harry flushed red and rushed out of the kitchen with his cereal in hand. I laughed and followed him to the living room with my cereal.

He turned on the TV and turned the volume up loud so no could hear our conversation.

"Fuck, his accent. Where is he from? Russia?"

"I don't think-"

"Dude, that was the sexiest accent I've ever heard. I'm moving to Russia," he continued.

I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my cereal. "His sister said they moved from Sokovia," I informed.

"Shit, there's two of them?!" He whisper yelled.

"Yeah. Twins," I said nonchalantly.

His jaw dropped and he clutched his chest. He fell back on the couch, pretending to pass out. I laughed and punched his leg.

"Dude, quit fantasizing over my Uncle's fiancé and his sister," I laughed. "Besides, she's dating Vision."

"Vision? Is he hot too?" He asked eargerly and sitting up. I laughed at the fact that he's asking me if an android was hot, but he didn't know that.

"Totally," I mocked and laughed again.

"I love living here already. It beats living alone in some old apartment," he said taking another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

I couldn't help but think of Wade now. He was alone and living in some old, run down apartment complex. My heart ached and I really wanted to be with him.

"Dude, you okay?" I heard Harry ask from beside me. I said yes but I shook my head no. Harry just raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Well, when you figure it out. I'm here."

There it is. That's what I love about Harry. With all his joking and flirting with my family members I was beginning to wonder why he was even my best friend in the first place.

Then he reminded me.

Other than my family, Harry has always been there for me and tried to protect me.

I nodded and put my cereal on the coffee table. He looked at me expectingly and I just shrugged.

"I don't know. It's just," I looked up at him, "I miss him, y'know?"

He nodded and put his cereal down too so he could put his full attention on me.

"Have you talked to your parents about it?"

I gave a frustrated sigh. "Yes and they say they understand but they won't let me see him yet."

He frowned, "Can't you call him? Or sneak out to see him?"

"He doesn't have a phone and I don't know where he lives."

"Well that's inconvenient," he scoffed.

"Ya' think?" I said sarcastically.

Even though I'd been in Wade's apartment once, I didn't know where it was. I knew was his apartment number was 362 because when we had our fight, I ran out and Wade had to bring me back. I never went outside though and Wade had teleported me home to save me the pain of walking.



"You were mumbling to yourself again," Harry frowned. "And they call me mental," he said rolling his eyes.

"You're not mental," I said picking up my empty cereal bowl and walking back to the kitchen. We put out bowls in the sink and Dad came around the corner.

He was rubbing his eyes sleepily and wearing the same jeans and T-shirt from yesterday, which means he slept in the lab.

"Morning," I said to him.

"Hey, Pete. I thought you guys where going shopping?" He said fixing a cup of coffee.

"We are. Once we get some money," I smiled widely and did my famous 'You Know You Want To Give Me Money Because I'm Your Only Son And You Love Me' face.

He rolled his eyes and dug in his hand in his front pocket. He handed me a few a hundred dollar bills.

"Thaanks Daddy! I love you!" I said tackling him in a hug.

"I love you too Dad!" Harry said joining in our group hug.

Dad laughed and pushed us off of him. "Yeah, yeah, love you too. Now, get outta here."


I put a cute collage of Harry and Peter above! I also included a link to this YouTube video of a Superfamily vid called We Are Family!

Omg please watch it. It's absolutely perfect and hurts my heart because of how cute it is.

Did everyone enjoy this nice and calm chapter?

Good :) Because it's the last one you're going to get !

*evil laugh* Okay! In all seriousness, these last two chapters are probably the longest I've ever written (not to mention the intense feels)

Update coming in 2 days!

Get ready!

Thanks for all the support on this story! It means a lot! I know say that every time but it truly does.

That's why I'm working on a prequel! Because of the all support and encouragement I get.

I love writing for you guys!

Thanks so much and byee!

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