Chapter 14

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3rd Person POV

"I know how we can find Peter," Pietro said the next morning.

It was just him and Clint in their bedroom. Clint was getting dressed when Pietro said this.

Clint looked at his boyfriend, who was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, and raised an eyebrow. He really wanted to find his nephew but he wasn't sure it was possible.

"How? He's off the grid and don't you dare say you're going to run and check every building in New York," Clint said tugging on some jeans.

Pietro smiled slightly at Clint's need to watch out for him. He didn't tell him that he already searched most of New York and couldn't find him. It was tiring but worth it.

"My sister can find him," Pietro said and sat up in bed. He saw Clint pull on a flannel with a confused expression. Pietro decided he needed to explain further since Clint was close to losing hope that anyone could find Peter.

"She can sense people's minds. She doesn't need technology to track him. She just needs to feel his mind," Pietro explained while making a bunch of hand motions towards his head. Clint stared at the silver haired boy for a second before it clicked.

They could find Peter.

Clint jumped on the bed and hugged Pietro tightly. He kissed all over his face and Pietro began laughing while trying to push him off.

"You're. A. Genius. Babe," Clint said between kisses.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's go find Wanda," Pietro laughed and finally managed to push Clint off of him.

Pietro quickly got dressed and Clint gathered his arrows and bow. They made their way to the Quinjets and Clint stopped before going inside.

"Should we tell them we're leaving?" Clint asked the younger boy who was already inside the jet.

The rest of the Avengers where still sleeping. Even Steve was closing his eyes to get a few extra hours of sleep while he was holding Tony close. The genius hadn't had that much sleep all week.

"We'll be back before they can suspect anything," Pietro shrugged not really thinking through it all. Clint nodded and loaded up the jet.

"So, where is your sister again?" Clint asked starting up the jet.

"Some place called Fiji," Pietro said, struggling to say the word right with his accent.

Clint smiled at his cuteness but scoffed at the name of the far away island. "Yeah, we'll definitely be back before they notice."


Hours after the couple left, the Avengers began to wake and move around.

Steve awoke first but he didn't move from his position on the bed. Tony was nuzzled into his chest and their legs were intertwined.

Bruce was in the kitchen gnawing on a piece of toast and sipping coffee while looking at the news. Natasha came in the kitchen with her hair in a messy bun. She looked over the scientists shoulder to see the the news playing on his tablet.

"Why do you even watch that stuff?" She asked even though she knew the answer. Bruce's biggest fear was the news catching the Hulk on a rampage.

Even after missions that don't require a Code Green, he still checks the news. Bruce only shrugged.

"No reason."

Natasha rolled her eyes and fixed herself some coffee.

"Have you seen Clint? We were supposed to train this morning," she said changing the subject.

Bruce shook his head, still staring at his tablet. Natasha gave him a death stare until he looked up at her and gave her a proper response.

"I mean no, I haven't seen him or Maximoff. Maybe their out on a date," Bruce responded meeting her gaze.

"How could they go on a date when Peter is out there missing?" She asked in disbelief and sipped her coffee.

Bruce shrugs again. "Maybe they're looking for him."

"Damn," she said in defeat. Bruce was confused. He looked up thinking she spilled her coffee or burned herself.

"What's wrong?" He asked when he couldn't find anything wrong.

"I just," she shook her head and placed her drink down, "I just really hope we find that kid. He's the best thing that's happened to this team."

Bruce nodded in agreement. "Peter made us a family."

This makes Natasha smile and nod also. Then she recollected her straight face.

"Once we find who took Peter; I'm gonna kick his ass."

With that, she picked her cup back up, spun on her heel, and left for the training room. Bruce could only smile and hope they find Peter before anything bad happened.



Another update because you guys are Awesome.

Sooo... What do you think think of Wanda maybe finding Peter?

I'm really excited for where this story is going so I'm writing as much as I can over the weekends.

Thanksss for reading and voting!


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