Chapter 26

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Above our Clint & Pietro's promise rings! (Not wedding rings!)

Pietro's is the one with diamonds :)
>further explanation of the promise rings will be included in my Prequel<

They're wedding rings will be included in the wedding chapter.

A few weeks later...

Tony's POV


"Ready as I'll ever be," I responded. Steve smiled back at me and led the way up the stairs of the old apartment complex.

I was going to talk to Wade and let him know he can see Peter again. That am I perfectly fine with them being together.

Yeah, I'm not ready for this. My little boy is in love and I have to give him up, but if it makes him happy then I'll do it. Besides I've procrastinated on this talk for a while now. We're almost fully moved into Avengers HQ and my mind wasn't even thinking about Wade.

Peter is more stable now with his anxiety and currently with Bruce at the mental institution. They're bringing Harry home today. I've always liked Harry. He really was like another son and it will be nice to have him around.

We walked up to the apartment door that was dirty and discolored and the numbers were falling off of it. Steve looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I shuddered.

I had Jarvis find where Wade lives because without him I would have never thought to look in this dump. I guess everyone can't be a billionaire.

Steve gave three strong knocks on the door before backing up and waiting.

"Fuck off!" We heard a male voice shout from behind the door. Steve gave me a concerned look. I just shrugged and turned around to walk off like he said.

"Get back here," Steve said pulling me back by my arm. I groaned and Steve knocked again.

We heard some mumbled cuss words and bangs before the door was thrown open and Wade appeared.

Wow, he looked bad.

No, he looked really bad. He had a half drunken beer in his hand and his eyes were droopy. He was wearing gray sweatpants that had stains and no shirt.

The scars on his chest were prominent and sort of repulsive but I felt bad for the kid. His hair had grown long enough so that it curled just at the tip of his ears. To top it all off, he reeked off alcohol and Mexican food.

Geez, someone get this kid a haircut and a shower quick.

His eyes widened at the sight of us and he dropped his beer to ground. It hit the wooden floor and crashed loudly.

"I- uh- I'm sorry about what I said earlier. It's just- I- uh," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"We came to talk about you having a relationship with Peter but seeing as you're barely living-" I grimaced and looked him up and down.

"No, please! I'm stable. It's just hard without someone to live for," he said sadly and looked down at his bare feet.

Steve looked at me sadly. We both know we had to do this. It would be the best for Wade and Peter to be together again. Peter had been moping around for a while but between Clint's wedding and Harry coming back his mind had been preoccupied. Peter was okay.

Wade was definitely not okay.

"You say you love Peter right?" I asked. Wade nodded eargerly.

"Yes, sir. More than anything in this entire world. I've been a wreck without him and I feel terrible about getting him into this mess-"

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