Chapter 20

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Peter's POV

This is it.

I pressed the elevator button to go to the top floor of the Avengers tower. My hands were clammy as I paced back and forth in the small, ascending elevator.

Each beep, signaling the passing of another floor, sent another wave of anxiety through me.

I got things sorted out with Wade and he promised let me handle this alone. We're also still together.


The elevator stopped moving and the doors began sliding open. My stomach flip flopped and I felt I was going to throw up.

I stepped out of the elevator into the familiar living room. No one was in sight and I raised an eyebrow.


Where is everybody? I was expecting everyone to see me and immediately run to hug me.

"Dad? Pops? Uncle Clint?" I called walking around the living room and the kitchen.

I began to get nervous now. Where they out looking for me? I hadn't noticed that I started counting nervously.


Maybe I should just go back to Wade's and-


I turned around and saw Uncle Clint running towards me with his arms outstretched. I grinned and ran into his arms.

"Uncle Clint!"

He hugged me tight along with Pietro to the left of me. After pulling away I realized there was a woman behind them long brown hair and a red leather jacket. Her nails were painted black to match her short black dress.

Another man, at least I think it was a man, was behind her. He had a green colored body and violet colored face. Maybe an alien?

"Peter, my God, are you okay? What happened??" Uncle Clint said holding my shoulders so I could look at him.

"I-I'm okay. I was lucky to get away," I said. He pulled into another hug.

"We had no idea where you were-"

"Where's my parents?" I asked when I didn't see them following behind.

"They're not here?"

"No?" I said. I was scared. I really just wanted my parents but they're not here and Uncle Clint doesn't know where they are. "C-Can't you call them?"

"I've already connected them-," the woman in the red jacket said. Her accent was the same as Pietro.

I gave her a look and Pietro caught it and immediately introduced us.

"This is my twin sister, Wanda, and-" he looked at the other alien man and rolled his eyes, "That's Vision."

"Vision?" I asked. The Vision stepped forward and gave a slight head nod in greeting.

"Hello, Peter. I am Vision. You're father created me during the Ultron fight," he explained.

"What are you?" I didn't mean to sound so curt. I was actually pretty curious. Why hadn't Dad told me about this?

"I am an Android. Built with same intelligence as Jarvis."

I nodded in awe and heard another door open from behind me. I turned quickly only to see Aunt Tasha and Uncle Bruce.

"Oh my gosh, Peter!" Aunt Tasha said. She ran and hugged me. I hugged back and hugged my other Uncle. I was happy to see them but I really wanted to see my parents.

"Do Steve and Tony know he's here?" Aunt T asked Uncle Clint.

"Wanda told them-"

"You know where my parents are?" I asked Aunt Tasha hopefully.

"Yeah, they left to find you. Tony was babbling on about how he'd found your location and they both just...left," she shrugged.

I just stared blankly at her. They all started talking again about how they were so glad to see me and how they wanted to know what happened. I could barely hear them because all there voices were muffled together and I was zoned out.

"-Peter? Peter!"

"Huh?" My eyes focused back in to see Uncle Clint snapping his fingers in my face. "What?" I said again.

He frowned. "Why were you counting?"

"Um," I said nervously. "I, uh-"

"Where is he?!"

I snapped my head to the direction of the voice. I didn't even know I was running until practically smacked into my Dad.

Pops was behind him and quickly embraced me too. I hugged both of them tightly and they hugged back just as tight.

"I thought I would never see you guys again," I whispered sadly. They hugged me even tighter when I said that.

"Don't say that, son. We missed you so much. We're so glad your home," Pops said back.

We pulled back from our bone crushing hug and I realized I was crying again. They were tears of joy this time.

Dad placed a hand on my shoulder and ran the other one through my hair soothingly. I smiled wiping my tears on the back of my hand.

"Your never leaving this tower again," Dad said with a smile. I couldn't help hugging him again which initiated a huge Avengers Group Hug.

"So what exactly happened, Peter? Because your Dad and I tracked you to this underground warehouse of a villian named Taskmaster and they were all running around in caos. We controlled the situation and arrested him on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. but-"

"That's where I was. I escaped this morning and came straight here," I said cutting Pops off before he dug too deep.

"Why did they come after you?" Dad asked.

Our hugging died down and I was staring at the ground. My whole family was looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"I-uh- I was going to see Wade one morning when I was jumped a-and I wasn't strong enough," I said and mentally cursed myself for studdering like a baby. I was so tired of crying but what I was saying wasn't I complete lie. Memories of torture flashed through my mind. "I couldn't fight them off."

I couldn't defend myself because I'm too weak. I flinched in surprise when Dad placed a gentle hand on my back.

"It's okay, Pete. You're safe now," Dad said patting my back. "You're home."

And just like that; all my fear was gone.




Happy now? XD

Don't think this is the end! I've got lots more feels and drama coming lol so enjoy this chapter while you can!

Thanks so much for all the votes and every single comment. You guys are amazing!

I plan on updating at least twice before next weekend!

Thanks again and byee!

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