Chapter 17

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Wade's POV

"Johnny?" I asked confused.

The lower half of his body was on fire still. How the hell is he controlling fire?

Peter was rocking back and forth in the corner with tears streaming down his face. His hair was a mess and his clothes were disheveled. I wanted nothing more than to just comfort him.

I cut the power and walked in when Johnny had his nasty lips on him. Seeing him after all these years brought back old hatred and I really just wanted him out of Peter's life for good.

"Your supposed to be in jail," I growled.

"This was my ticket out," he said holding up his hand that was on fire. The fire wisped around in flames of red and orange. "Taskmaster offered to get me out of jail if I volunteered for his experiment."

I scoffed, "Lab rat."

He gritted his teeth and ran towards me. I was going to pull out my swords but I wanted this fight to last. I wanted him to feel the same slow pain that he put Peter through.

I want to kick his ass.

I blocked his punches and punched him so hard he fell to the ground. He slid with the power of the punch and I heard Peter scream.

It broke my heart to see him in so much pain. It made me want to kill Johnny even more.

Johnny jumped up and threw a ball of fire towards me. I dodged left but some fire still got on the arm of my suit. I quickly ripped off the burning fabric and saw the burned skin underneath.

I punched him in his face when he got close enough and then threw him into the wall behind me, farthest from Peter.

His whole body caught fire before he hit the wall and he burned right through it, making a huge burning hole in the wall. I stalked towards him as he lay there burning on the ground. His eyes were endless, yellow pits.

I took out my gun and shot him in the stomach. He screamed and the flames on his body grew higher before sudsiding. I placed the gun back in it's holster before sitting on his chest, cutting off his air circulation.

"How do you feel now, you cocky prick?" I asked in a deep, intimidating voice and pinned his hands above his head.

He choked out a raspy laugh before responding. "Like Peter," he whispered with a bloody grin and his fingertips began to ignite.

In one swift motion, I pulled out my seven inch knife and stabbed them through both his hands, pinning him to the floor. He opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out.

The fire in his hand went out as he thrashed violently with his legs. I hopped off of him and pulled my gun out again, shooting him in both legs.

"Stop moving," I growled and kneeled beside him again. "Just relax. I want you to feel all the pain you put Peter in. I want you to feel all the anger I feel. I want you to slowly bleed to death while you think about that."

His dull, blue eyes turned a gray color as he stared angrily at me. He knows he's dying. He opened his mouth several times to say something when finally something came out.

"I-I don't h've anyth'ng to l-live f-for. My par-parents d-died. S-Sister left h'me. P-Pe-ter hate' me," he panted.

"Well I guess you shoulda thought about sooner," I replied nonchalantly and quickly made my way back to Peter's cell.

We don't have much time.

I had to cut all the power and defense systems to get in here but that means we're on the grid now. Anyone can find us.

Luckily, Peter's cell was separate from other prisoners. I locked off his cell hall from the rest of the building so it should delay Taskmaster's students from finding us.

Knock! knock! Knock!

The doors started breaking in.

Well, that didn't last long.

I found Peter in the same corner shaking and mumbling to himself. It wasn't until I was close enough that I started walking slower and heard that he was counting.

"433, 434, 435, 436, 437..." He was staring at the ground blankly and hugging his knees to his chest.

"Peter?" I called out to him softly. He was flinched and looked up at me. His eyes filled with horror as tears began to spew out again.

Damn you for this Taskmaster.

I would kill him but I've got to save Peter. I quickly took my mask off and kneeled beside him about a foot away from him.

"Hey baby, it's me Wade. That other guy wasn't me okay? I would never hurt you," I whispered.

He blinked at me and stopped rocking back and forth. I think he was starting to understand but I didn't touch him yet for fear he would have an anxiety attack.

"I'm going to get you outta here, okay? Just come with me," I said slowly reaching my ungloved hand towards him.

He just stared at it.

My heart shattered.

I heard the doors two halls break open and foot steps marching towards his room and I knew we were running out of time.

"Dammit," I muttered. "Peter, baby, I love you. Okay? And I really need you to come with me because you mean so much to me and I can't just leave you here but their coming for us."

He hesitantly reached his hand out and let a single finger gently trace the longest scar on my face.

"Wade?" He said in a small, raspy voice. I felt a tear slip from my eye and nodded rapidly.

"Yes. Yes, Peter it's me. We're going to leave, okay?" He nodded and put his hand in my outstreched one.

I smiled slightly but mentally cussed when I saw his bruised wrist with metal cuffs around them.

If only Magneto was here.

Shut up idiot.

I pulled my pocket knife out and Peter whimpered.

"It's okay. I just gotta get these cuffs off," I said trying to comfort him. He just bit his lip and watched me pry the cuffs off.

Once they were all off I picked him up bridal style and searched for a way out. He gotten a lot lighter. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't feed him. I only had one thing running through my mind while trying to escape with the frail boy in my arms.

This is all my fault.


Finally! Wade's back XD

Soo.. Thoughts on Johnny?

This is one of my favorite chapters lol I hope you liked it!

Thanks for all the votes and comments !

I love to read them!

Thanks and byeee!!

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