Chapter 11

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Peter's POV

Where am I?

I'm seriously tired of waking up in places that aren't my bed. I squinted and tried to look around but everything around me was dark except for the light right above my head. It only illuminated a small circle close to me.

I felt pain on my wrist and tried to check them but they were tied behind me and I was sitting in a rusted chair.

"Hello?" My voice sounded raspy as it rang out throughout the room. I wasn't even sure how big this room was.

"Peter," a deep voice said my name with disgust. I looked around but couldn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" I called out looking around for anything that could be used as a weapon. I didn't see anything.

I couldn't remember anything. I was going to meet Wade this morning... And...what happened after that? Come on, Peter. Think! What happened after that?

"I'm sure Wade has told you about me, yes?" The voice spoke again.

I stiffened at the familiar name.

"What have you done? Don't hurt him!" I screamed and thrashed about in the chair. These must be the people Wade warned me about.

All he did was laugh. A creepy laugh that gave me the shivers.

"Silly boy. We're not going to hurt him," he paused, " we're going to hurt you."

I gulped and tears came to my eyes. I tried to blink them back so I would still look strong.

But I wasn't.

I don't know how many more times I can be hurt before I stop coming back.

"W-what are you going to do?" I silently scolded myself for studdering.

"It's not what I'm going to do, Peter." He paused again and someone stepped for into the light. "It's what he's going to do."

My heart stopped. It was Wade in his Deadpool uniform. I couldn't stop the tears then.

"W-Wade?" I studdered in disbelief. Did he text me so they could drug me, bring me here, and kill me?

"He won't talk to you," the voice that still didn't have a face spoke again.

I choked out another sob. "W-Wade. I-It's me, Peter. Y-Your b-b-boyfriend?" I was terrified and could barely speak through my tears.

"Lock him up," the voice said.

I looked up at him hoping to see his eyes behind that mask. My pleading eyes didn't work. He rushed towards me with a knife and I screamed and thrashed about.

He went behind me and cut the ropes from my wrist. I realized he wasn't going to kill me and was shocked.

He grabbed both my wrist behind me into his hand in a tight hold that caused me to grit my teeth in pain. Maybe if I keep talking to him he'll notice it's me. Maybe they did something to his head like brainwashing.

"Wade, please. I- ow!- I love you! Dammit, please don't do this," I said seeing the cell he was leading me to. It was high tech like SHIELD cells.

The doors slid open and he walked me inside the small cell. He cuffed both of my hands and feet to chains connected to long chains in the corner.

I don't know why, but I didn't fight to get away. I was too shocked. My boyfriend led me into a trap. I kept expecting him to turn good and let me go free but it didn't happen.

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