Chapter 6

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Tony's POV

I opened up the trophy case that was on the far side of the living room wall and organized Peter's awards in them.

The case was already half full from Peter's past accomplishments. In fact, this was the third case I had to order because the others too were full. I had Peter's paper awards framed so it would look better.

I stepped back from the case and looked at my son's accomplishments. From 4th grade science fairs to graduation, it was all in these cases. I loved showing off and bragging about how smart my son was.

"It looks great, babe." Steve said and hugged me from behind. His arms snaked around my waist as he put his chin on my shoulder.

"I'm only doing what my Dad never did for me," I said nonchalantly but it pained me to remember. I remember always striving to be the top of class or create something new just for my Dad to notice me.

"You wanna talk about it?" Steve whispered and kissed my shoulder. I smiled, grateful for his comfort.

"No, no. I'm fine," I replied cooly. Steve was always there for me whenever I had a breakdown from a crisis in my life. It meant a lot to me. I don't know what I'd do without him.

He stayed quiet for a while but removed his arms from around my waist. "You know we still have to talk about yesterday," he reminded.

I groaned and turned from the trophy case to look at him. "What is there to talk about?"

"Everything, Tony. We can start with Wade. He has powers and it seems like he's already Peter's boyfriend-"

"No he's not," I interrupted.

"We can't just keep them from seeing each other," Steve argued.

"And why not?" I asked throwing my arms up in the air and stalking off to the kitchen.

I didn't mean to seem selfish but I don't want Peter getting hurt. That Storm kid messed everything up for us. I used to be the Dad that pointed boys and girls out on the street asking Peter if he thought they were cute. Now, I don't want him near anyone.

"That's not fair to Peter! You need to be reasonable here," he spoke in his stern Captain America voice. Gosh, I hate when he uses that on me.

"Chill, Capsicle. It's just that...we don't even know the kid. Y'know?"

"We should invite him over for dinner," he suggested. I immediately shut it down.

"Uh uh. No. Objection. I don't like that idea," I said shaking my head rapidly.

My vision got slightly blurry shaking my head around so I didn't see Steve walk in front of me. He stopped my shaking head with his hands with each of his hands on either side of my face. It forced me to stare into his crystal blue eyes.

"Please, honey. It's for our little boy," he pouted. I tried to close my eyes but it was too late. I'd already seen his ridiculously cute face. Once you see Steve's pout, there's no going back.

"Fineeee," I growled and pulled my face away before he could lean in for a kiss. He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"So, you'll tell Peter to ask Wade to come over tonight and I'll-"

"Whoa, whoa. He's coming over tonight?" I whined cutting him off. I really didn't want him here. Steve rolled his eyes at my childish behavior.

"Yes, Tony. The sooner we get this out of the way, the better."

I sighed. "Whatever you say, Steven."

"Damn right," he grinned and wrapped his arms back around me, pulling us chest to chest.

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