Chapter 25

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Peter's POV

"Peter! Come here," My Dad yelled. I sighed and got up from the desk in my room. I was working on new web shooters since I probably wasn't getting my old ones back until like...never.

"Yes?" I said walking out of my room to where him and Pops were sitting in the living room.

"Come sit. We need to talk," he said gesturing to the couch across from him. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and chin on his hands. Pops sat next to him with one arm draped across the back of the couch and the other in his lap.

Uh, oh.

I instantly got nervous about what we would be talking about. Was it about Harry? Wade? Maybe even Spider-Man?

Oh, man. I'm screwed.

I cautiously sat down and chose my words wisely. "Is this about Harry? Because if so, I'm sorry."

Pops shook his head. "Of course not. Harry is more than welcome to stay with us. He's like a second son," Pops smiled gently.

I let out a breath and rose a brow. "Then what's this about?"

"We're moving, Peter." Dad said looking directly into my eyes.

It was quiet for a second while I took in the new information. "What?" I deadpanned.

"Not too far," Pops said now, "just upstate New York."

"I took the liberty of turning my Father's old Stark warehouse into a Headquarters for the Avengers," Dad informed. He leaned back onto the couch so Pops' arm was around his shoulders.

"Well,uh, that's cool. I guess?" I said unsure.

"We can still come back here but right now it's a little cramped," Dad grimaced as if he felt cramped right now.

I only had one thing on my mind. How was Wade going to know where I was if I moved? I really want to see him again but my web shooters are broke and I haven't gotten a new phone yet. On second thought, Wade probably can't afford another phone.

"What's on your mind, Pete?"

I looked from my lap to see Pops staring at me curiously and Dad looked like he was trying to read my mind. I shrugged but decided to put an end to there curiosity.

"I want to see Wade," I said a bit more depressed then I meant to sound. Dad sighed and I continued to babble because I didn't want me to be mad.

"Dad, please. I'm sorry I love you and Pops so much and I'm sorry I lied. I just wanted to be with Wade because he makes me feel special. Not just like some nerd who got picked on in school or some weakling that got taken advantage of. He doesn't treat me like the son of two famous superheroes or a SHIELD orphan. He treats me like I'm the top priority in his life and he doesn't label me based on what happened in my life. He doesn't want the money. He doesn't want the fame. He just wants me and I love him for that," I finished.

Dad stood up swiftly and my heart almost broke in two because I thought he was going to walk out. He surprised me by plopping next to me and pulling me to his chest in hug.

I wrapped my arms around lean frame and inhaled the scent of machine grease and Old Spice that was my Dad.

"I understand now, Pete. You love him and he loves you. I'm sorry about yelling at you I just get a little over protective," he said resting his head on top of mine.

I pulled back and smiled. "A little?"

He just rolled his eyes at my comment. "Shut up and hug me boy."

I complied and Pops came over to join the hug too. "I'm proud of both of you," Pops whispered. Dad scoffed.

"He thinks I'm not good at expressing my feelings," Dad said filling me in.

I shrugged. "Well..."

"Oh my gosh. I'm leaving," Dad pouted and got up from our group hug making us laugh.

"No wait come back," Pops said between laughs. Dad shook his head and was halfway out the living room when he was nearly knocked down by a blurred figure.

"Did you guys hear the news?!" Pietro said grinning like a mad man. I sat up in my seat and shook my head.

"No, what's happening?" Pops said. Dad was still mumbling incoherent cuss words about almost falling over. Uncle Clint came jogging in now as Dad took a seat on the opposite couch.

"Did he tell you yet?" Uncle Clint asked. We looked at them curiously and Pietro was practically vibrating in the middle of the floor with excitement.

"We're getting married next month!" Pietro shouted in glee. Uncle Clint rolled his eyes but I didn't miss the fond look in his eyes as he watched Pietro dance around the room.

"Congrats. Finally you guys are making it official," Dad laughed.

"If you guys weren't already married why did you have rings?" I asked looking at the silver band around their ring fingers.

"Promise ring," Pietro beamed, "Like I promise I'm going to marry you when I get the balls to ask."

We all laughed at this and Uncle Clint turned red.

"You know, you could have asked me. It works both ways," Uncle Clint defended. Pietro gave him a cheeky grin before speeding over to him and kissing him flat on the mouth.

"Hey! Not in my living room!" Dad scolded.

"Please, Stark," Uncle Clint scoffed, "after all the things you and Steve have done in here?"

Pops got red in the face and Dad just smirked. "That's why it's my living room."

"Where is everyone else?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Tasha and Wanda are downstairs planning our wedding," Uncle Clint said rolling his eyes and taking a seat. Pietro plopped down next to him and stretched his legs across him.

"Do you have a date for the wedding?" I asked.

Pietro nodded, his smile glued to his face, "August 11th."

"Can't wait," I smiled.

"Me neither, Pete." Uncle Clint said staring at Pietro fondly. "Me neither."



Lol okay so I plan to put a picture of their promise rings in the next chapter.

ALSO ! I know August 11th is today but not in this story! I just chose that day because it makes sense since its summer time in my story AND it's Chris Hemsworth's birthday!!


The marriage will come eventually ...maybe... XD I'm in the process of writing the end of the book now...

Only a few more chapters to go!!

>It's sad actually. I've been procrastinating on writing the end because I don't want the book to be over :(

>Okay ! More drama filled chapters coming up!

Thanks so much for voting and commenting and everything else!


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