Chapter 2

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Peter's POV

Oh my gosh. I told them. I just yelled out loud that Wade was boyfriend. I don't think now was the best time for it but my Dad was screaming at me.

The whole room was quiet.

The whole tower was quiet.

It's probably around midnight and I probably woke the whole block with my yelling. I clutched my ribs because they felt like they were on fire. Are they sure it was just a bomb because I feel like I've been shot.

"I'm sorry what?" Dad asked after his face drained of color and he was staring dead at me. "I don't think I heard you right."

"I-I'm in a relationship with Wade?" I studdered out. It sounded more like a question because I was scared.

"What kind of relationship?" Dad pressed. Pops had already left my side and he was pacing back and forth with his hand over his mouth. Too ashamed to say anything.

"A romantic one," I said trying to sound more confident.

"Do you guys...fondue?" Pops asked from the corner. He looked confused and hurt. My heart broke at the sight of my parents angry at me. They're never mad at me.

"No, we haven't yet." I admitted shyly. "He's been away for a while."

"Good, 'cause you remember last time? I wouldn't want that to happen again," Dad said bringing back the past. His tone was snappy and mean.

"Tony," Pops whispered.

I knew he was talking about Johnny. I knew they would freak out. I wish I hadn't opened my big mouth but bringing Johnny into this was going too far.

"He's nothing like Johnny! He cares about me! I thought that's what you guys told me? To find someone that cares about me almost as much as you do," I reminded them. Tears were running down my face but I refused to wipe them.

"How do you know he cares?" Pops questioned. The room was silent again as I thought about my answer.

Should tell them how Wade left but came back for me? That would end in talking about Deadpool; so no. Maybe when he protected me in the alley on our first date? But then again, Wade almost killed those guys; so no.


"See, nothing." Dad said.

I let my head hang and my hair shield me from their gaze. I know Wade cares about me but I don't want them digging deeper and finding the bad stuff too.

"We just don't want you getting hurt again, Pete." Pops said.

I nodded, not looking up from my lap.

"We'll talk more in the morning," Dad said. I was just now hearing the exhaustion in his voice.

"Ok," I mumbled.

I thought they had left until I heard Pops speak up. "We love you, Peter." Then they were gone.

"Ugh, Peter you're such an idiot!" I yelled at myself.

"No, you're not."

I jumped and turned to see Uncle Clint leaning on the wall. The man Pietro was sitting down and leaning his head against the wall.

"I forgot you were here," I said still startled.

"Yeah, well, that seemed like a heated Fathers- Son talk so," he shrugged.

I groaned and  squeezed my eyes shut.

"You did the right thing," Uncle Clint said pulling up a chair beside me and sat down.

"It doesn't feel like it," I mumbled.

"It will. There's something different about admitting it that's like a weight lifting off your shoulders. Now you can go anywhere together and not have to worry about a damn thing," he smiled. Pietro came from behind him now and sat on his lap.

I smacked my hand over my mouth, despite the excruciating pain in my shoulder. Pietro is with my Uncle! Why did I not see this before?

"Uncle Clint! I didn't know you were..." I trailed off not waiting to say the word gay.

He laughed and shook his head. "I'm not gay. I'm in love." He simply shrugged with he intertwined his fingers with Pietro's. The silver haired man smiled.

I nodded and smiled at them. "But you guys are adults. It was probably easier for you to be together since you don't have parents to come out to," I said and rolled my eyes.

"You're right. We had to come out to an entire team," Pietro laughed and shook his head at the memory.

"How did you guys do it?" I asked curiously. Pietro looked down at Uncle Clint and smiled.

"Well," Uncle Clint sighed, "I was the one afraid to come out. I hadn't felt anything for a guy before so I didn't know how to come out." He paused and Pietro gave him a reassuring smile.

"So, what'd you do?" I asked eagerly. I felt like a little kid on Christmas about to open his first gift. Uncle Clint smiled at my excitement of his relationship.

"So, I hid it from the team. For a while, actually. I didn't think it would be that hard but I felt myself want to hold him and kiss him more. I had to stop myself just so I they wouldn't find out. I couldn't even look at him for too long just so they wouldn't suspect anything," Uncle Clint told me.

"Yeah, it was the worst." Pietro chimed in.

"Yeah, Pietro got mad because we never spent time together and he was ready to break up. But then, I grew some balls. I just flat out told them and it never felt better," Uncle Clint finished and smiled.

I laughed and nodded. His words sunk in and I guessed it was better that I told my parents about Wade now. I should've told them earlier but...

"Thanks Uncle Clint...and Pietro," I smiled.

"You're welcome buddy," Uncle Clint said. He began to stand up and Pietro got off his lap. He walked over to me and ruffled my hair. "Get some sleep, yeah?"

I nodded as sleep already began taking over my body. My body was aching all over. The men turned to leave before I called out to them.

"Wait! Can you bring me my phone?" I squeaked. "I-I'd like to tell Wade I'm ok."

Uncle Clint smiled and nodded. "Do you mind, babe?" He asked Pietro who rolled his eyes and smiled before taking off.

He was back in about four seconds with my phone in his hand. "Sorry it took so long. I couldn't find it," he smiled and handed it to me.

I laughed and thanked him. They said good night again before leaving me by myself in the lab. I picked up my phone and saw missed calls from Wade, Harry, and even some from Dad. They must have been wondering why I missed graduation.

'Sorry, I missed graduation. I was too busy fighting super villains and almost died,' I imagined saying. The thought made me laugh.

I typed in my passcode and went to text Wade. I ignored all the text I had already received from him

Me: I'm fine . My parents know.

Exhausted, I sent the vague message and drifted to sleep.

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