Chapter 8

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Wade's POV


I was shaking.


I'm rocking back and forth.


I killed those guys.


I miss him.

I continued to rock my shaking body back and forth. I was clutching my knees to my chest. My eyes flicked back and forth in the pitch black area in front of me.

Are my eyes even open?

I tried closing my eyes and horrible images of bloody men crowded my thoughts. They were stacked in a huge pile.

And I was on top of them all.

Blood dripping down my exposed face and my knuckles.

I jolted my eyes open and screamed. It wasn't just a dream. I remember now. I'm in my apartment. I had found some of Taskmaster's students following me after I left Peter's house.

They're attack was strong.

But mine was stronger.

"That's for my Dad, you pathetic assholes." I said before spitting on them.

I escaped to my apartment, healing along the way. It was 1 a.m. when I got home and fell into bed, exhausted.

I rocked back and forth longing for comfort that I didn't have. I can't be comforted. I'm all alone.

I began feeling around in the dark for my phone. I was going to call Peter. I needed to hear his voice.

I leaned over the edge of the bed and fell off with a thud.

"Shit," I groaned.

I felt around the floor and in my pockets before giving up. Where is it? I remember having it before the fight and-

Uh oh.


I must have dropped it in the fight. I face palmed and crawled back onto my mattress. I'll just visit Peter tomorrow. After all, his parents know I'm his boyfriend now.

I drifted back to sleep trying to think about Peter.

3rd Person POV

While Deadpool was desperately trying to get sleep, Taskmaster's students were relentless. Back in the alley where Wade thought he had killed a dozen of them, a few survived.

The men were dressed in all black and had mask on that resembled Taskmaster's.

Only three men survived.

All three wished they hadn't since they knew they were going to have to go back to their boss empty handed.

So, they began scavenging on the ground for anything that could prove worth to Taskmaster or help them find their target again.

"I found his phone!" One of them said dropping the dead body they had to move to get to it.

"Look through his contacts," the second man said walking over to him, "maybe we don't have to find Wade. We can make him find us."

"How can we do that?" The third guy asked, not understanding the plan.

"Who's Baby Boy?" The man holding the phone said reading the recent contact name off the device.

The second guy snatched the phone for him and looked at at himself.

"He's our ticket to Wade."


OK so I know that wasn't a long chapter compared to what I normally update but that's because most of the action will come in the next chapters.


Don't hate me XD

It was kind of like a filler chapter.

Please vote for this quick chap that I had to get out to you guys! I know it's not much but I appreciate it!

Thanks and byeee!! :D

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