Chapter 10

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Wade's POV

I stepped into the elevator of the Avengers tower, slightly less nervous than the first time. I wonder if it's too early? Maybe Peter will still be sleep?

I shook off the thoughts and decided to just be happy. I made sure no one followed me here so no one would be in danger because of me. Those men last night were easy to handle once my killer instinct took over.

I always have a difficult time recovering from it.

Not psychically but mentally.

You're a psycho.

I wonder why Peter even dated you.

Healing powers can't fix a mental man.

The voices in my head were against me. They make me want to end it. End my own life like I have to so many others.

But I can't.

Because I always come back.

The elevator doors slid open and I saw Peter's dad's, a woman, and an older looking man in a lab coat standing in the kitchen. The women and man looked familiar.

"Security breach? I really need to fix this new Jarvis," Mr. Stark said throwing his hands in the air.

"You wouldn't have to if you didn't have me put the other one in an android body," the man in the lab coat retorted.

"Wade? What are you doing here? Where's Peter?" Steve began asking as I made my way over to where they were standing. A beautiful breakfast lay on the table that I guessed Steve cooked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Isn't Peter here? I came to see him."

"No, Peter left over an hour ago. He said he was going to meet you at the cafe for breakfast ," he explained.

"B-but..I'm right here?" I said confused. I sounded like a twelve year old. I hope this isn't what I think it is.

"Yes, I see. So, why would he lie and said you texted him?" Steve asked confused.

Oh, no.

No, no this can't be happening.

Please, no.

"Wade?" Mr. Stark asked when I began swaying slightly. I felt dizzy.

What do I tell them? I can't let them worry. I need to play this right or they will never let me near Peter again. They were all staring at me curiously.

Don't have a breakdown now!

So I did the best thing I could think of.

I smiled.

I smiled and gave a short laugh. "Oh, yeah! I forgot about breakfast. I texted him that yesterday and forgot all about it. I'll just go pick him up from the cafe now," I said and quickly made my way to the door.

I heard them mumble something behind me but I couldn't make out any words because my ears were ringing. I repeatedly stabbed the elevator button with my finger until it slid open painfully slow.

I rushed in and did the same to the 'Ground Button' as I did to the button before it. I continued to click it thinking it was going to get me to the ground floor faster.

When I got outside and the New York air hit my face I gasped. I had been holding my breath and panicking.

Where's my boyfriend? Someone must of got my phone last night after the fight and texted him. I silently curscursed at myself for being so careless.

"A painful mistake," Taskmaster would say.

"You need to pay more attention son," my Dad would say in gruff voice.

I ran down the busy streets and into the cafe that Peter and I usually hang out at. I scanned the whole place without any sign of the brunette.

"Excuse me," I got the cashier's attention, "has a boy about yey tall and brown hair walked in here?" I asked holding my hand up to my shoulder to show how tall Peter was.

She shook her head. "Haven't seen 'em, honey."

I sighed and thanked her before rushing around the building. I climbed up the side of it and made it to the roof.

He wasn't there.

We're never going to find him!

Don't say that.

But we searched everywhere!

No, we haven't dummy. We checked 2 places.

My voices argued as I climbed back down into the alley and something caught my eye.

I walked over to the huge, green dumpster and pulled out the blue hoodie that was sticking out.


I pressed the material to my face inhaling the comforting scent.

Ew, it smells like diapers.

I ignored the voice. I didn't care that I just found his jacket in a dumpster. It was his and it still smelled like him.

"I'm going to find you," I whispered into the soft fabric.

I searched the jacket for any blood stains or signs that he'd been hurt. I came across a folded piece of paper in his pocket. I opened it and read the messy handwriting.

'Come and get him, Deadpool.'


I am so sorry! Plz don't hate me lol but isn't this more interesting than just superfamily fluff?

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I just wanted to update this now because I'll be busy tomorrow.

P.s. it's going to get worse before it gets better ;) sorry

I hope everyone had a good July 4th! Thanks so much for reading and byeee!

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