Chapter 16

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Peter's POV

I woke up to a pair of lips on mine. My eyes shot open and I gasped when I looked into the white eyes of the Deadpool mask.

I tried to move away but he was straddling my waist to the floor. He pulled back slightly and I saw the mask was only pulled up halfway to reveal his lips.

"W-Wade?" I studdered in disbelief. Is he back? Did he finally snap out of it?

He smiled slightly and smashed his lips back on mine. I was confused still and I didn't kiss back. If he was back o normal shouldn't we be trying to escape?

I tried to pull away from him again. I managed to move away from him but this only caused him to latch his lips onto my neck.

I gasped and struggled to talk. "Shouldn't w-we be trying to e-escape?"

He began to push my shirt up and kissed all over my stomach and chest. I squirmed and tried to move my arms but I only heard the sound of chains shackling in response.

"Wade, stop." I realized I really didn't want this with Wade. Not this way.

"Third step in breaking you, Peter. Your biggest fear," the mysterious voice said.

I shook my head rapidly as he slid his fingers in the waistband of my pants.

"Please, don't do this." I couldn't stop the tears now. This was my biggest fear.

Suddenly, the lights turned off and the door slid open. I felt Deadpool jump off of me but I couldn't see anything.

I pulled my shirt back down and crawled back to the corner. I hugged my knees and rocked back and forth. I started my count.

"1..2..3..4..5..," I whispered to myself.

When the lights flicked back on, I was seeing doubles. I rubbed my eyes and opened them again only to see the same thing.

Two Deadpools.

One Deadpool, closest to the door, was wearing the same suit but with katanas on the back. The other Deadpool, that had been kissing me, had his back towards me.

Just the thought of that kiss made me tear up and wipe my mouth on the back of my hand.


"Get away from him," the Deadpool with swords said in a low, threatening tone.

I was so scared. I don't know who's good and who's bad.


"What are you gonna do about?" The other Deadpool said. It was the first time I heard him speak.

"Well first, I'm gonna beat the shit outta you for touching my boyfriend. Then I'm gonna watch all the life drain from your eyes as I kill you."

Boyfriend? My mind was racing a mile a minute. I began counting faster.


"Sounds promising," the other Deadpool said and his suit began to burn.

Within seconds, the whole suit was on fire and had withered away to the ground in burnt shreds. Underneath was a skintight, navy blue suit that wasn't burning.

The fire subsided to just his feet and hands as he turned around. The blonde haired, blue eyed devil stared down at me and my heart stopped.

"Hello love," he said.

"J-J-" I studdered. I struggled to speak when the other Deadpool took the word right out of my mouth.



You didn't see that coming? xD

This is actually one of my favorite cliffhangers that I've written.

Lol don't hate me! I also know this chapter is kinda short so I will try to update tomorrow!

I'm excited tbh things are heating up LOL got some drama and plot twist going on.

I've also been getting a lot of positive feedback on both my books S.M.L and L.M.L .

I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! like really and I will continue to write for you guys.

I also posted a Spideypool one shot in my One Shot book a few days ago. So if you haven't read it, you should. EXTREME SPIDEYPOOL FLUFF!

Thanks and byeee!

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