Chapter 18

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Steve's POV

"Steve! Steve, I found him!"

I stopped doing pull ups on the gym's metal bar and dropped to my feet. I turned to see Tony standing at the door and his eyes lit up.

"Y-you found him?"

"Yes! Yes! Come on," he said pulling my arm towards the door. I followed him out the room and we began running towards the lab. "He's back on the grid in some underground warehouse."

We ran past the main living room were Natasha and Bruce were watching the news. It was broadcasting us, as usual, but this time they mentioned Peter being missing.

"Tony, we need to hurry. It's on the news," I said to him when we ran into the elevator.

"I saw. He just came back on the grid and I have his coordinates programmed in your bike. Just get to the roof and I'll meet you there," he before stepping out of the elevator to his room of iron man suits.

Clint's POV

I watched in awe as Pietro clung to his sister.

"I missed you so much," he said burying his face in her long hair. She smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I missed you too. Has Clint been taking care of you?" She eyed me and laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. I've been doing my job," I laughed rolling my eyes. She smiled and pulled me into the hug too.

"We will arrive in approximately 5 hours," Vision said from the front of the Quinjet.

Vision was driving the plane since Pietro and I needed to talk to Wanda about finding Peter. I pulled away from the Maximoff hug and Pietro took Wanda's hand in his.

"Wanda, we need your help." He said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry to cut your vacation time short," I said. She smiled and shook her head.

"No, its fine. I'm an Avenger now. It's what we do," she said looking at me. I smiled and nodded.

"I don't know if you've met my nephew, Peter, but he's gone missing. He's off the grid and Pietro said-"

"You can track his mind," Pietro finished.

Wanda looked between us and nodded. "I can see how important this is to you. Of course I will help," she smiled.

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

She nodded before closing her eyes. I looked at Pietro and he just signed for me to wait. She reopened her eyes but they were glowing red.

"He's with someone."

"Who?" I asked. She was still staring in between us with red eyes. I guessed she was reading his mind as she spoke.

"Wade?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Why would he be with Wade?" I mumbled. "What's happening? Where is he?"

Suddenly, she screamed and fell to the ground holding her head. Pietro caught her before she hit the floor.

"Are you okay?" He asked quickly trying to check her head.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." She said carefully sitting cross legged on the floor.

"Wanda? Are you sure you're alright?" Vision said in a cool, British voice.

"Yes. It was just...Peter. He's been through so much," she said and looked up at me. I kneeled next to her and took her hand.

"What happened? Where is he?" I pressed.

"He's scared and hurt...but he's safe," she assured.

"Do you have a location?" I asked anxiously. If Peter was hurt then we need to find him right now.


Peter's POV

I screamed and fell to the ground in pain.

"Peter? Peter!? Are you okay?" I heard Wade say but it sounded far away. It sounded muffled.

The pain in my head grew as memories began flashing through my mind. Was I dying?

Memories of torture and pain flowed through my mind a mile a minute. Memories of old bullies, old Johnny, New Johnny, Taskmaster, Green Goblin, and every other villian in between.

I screamed and squeezed my head with my hands. My eyes were squeezed shut also trying to rid of the horrible memories. I curled up into a ball on the creaky, wooden floor of Wade's apartment.

"Peter!" The voice called out again.

I'm dying. I have to be. I was drowning in memories.

My whole life was flashing before my eyes.

All the happy moments of my life started to run through my mind like a slideshow. Getting adopted, my first day of school, befriending Harry, my first kiss with Wade.


I remembered all of our laughs and dates together. It was like I could breath again. My breaths came out shaky and quick as I tried to open my eyes.

I realized that the same voice was talking to me. It was Wade. I stopped shaking and squinted in the bright light.

"W-w-" I couldn't speak but I looked up into the beautiful face that belonged to Wade Wilson. The man I love and thought was root of my pain for the past week.

"Hey. Hey, shhh. It's okay, Petey. I'm right here. You're safe nothing's gonna happen to you," he cooed pulling my head into his lap.

I loosely hooked my arms around his waist and he squeezed me tighter. I nuzzled my face into his stomach.

"I-I thought I w-was dying," I whispered.

He ran his fingers through my hair soothingly and I sighed.

"You're not gonna die, Peter. Nothing's ever gonna hurt you again, okay? I'm so sorry, Petey. I'm so so sorry for getting you into this. It's all my fault," he said with tears in his eyes.

I reached my hand up slowly and wiped one of his tears. He held my hand there, pulling me up to him so my face was level with his and I was sitting on his lap.

"We're okay," I said softly.

His watery hazel eyes started into mine as he nodded. His hand brushed my cheek and he smiled sadly before responding.

"Yeah, we're okay."


Bayyuumm!! For all of you that wanted to know where Wanda was, boom. She's here now.

I've had so many ideas in my head for this story that I can't sleep x(

I just wanted to update today because I love you guys XD

I feel like my chapters are emotional rollercoasters lol sorry ( not sorry)!

Thanks for all the positive comments and feedback and votes!

That's also why I updated today :D

Lol thanks again and byee!!

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