Chapter 23

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Tony's POV

"We have to do something," Steve repeated. I groaned again and paused the Xbox game I was playing with Clint.

"Hey! What're you doing? I was winning!" Clint pouted.

"Shut up," I said to him before turning around on the couch to face Steve, who's standing behind us.

"What do you want to do?" I asked since he obviously wasn't going to stop asking me about it.

"This isn't just some crush. Peter is in love, whether you like it or not, and Wade loves him back."

I sighed heavily and dropped the controller in my lap. "Do we have to talk about this now? And how do know Wade loves him?"

"Because he wouldn't have told us what really happened if he didn't care for him," Steve explained.

"Oh, so your a love expert now?" I retorted and rolled my eyes. Clint sucked in a breath next to me like he knew what was coming after that.

"Excuse me?" Steve snapped. "I'm just saying that maybe if you paid a little more attention to your family you'd know when Peter was in pain."

With that, he turned and left leaving me feeling guilty again. I groaned louder and buried my face in my hands.

I felt a hand patting my back and I looked up to see Clint smiling at me apologetically.

"I'm such a fuck up."


"Not helping," I snapped and glared at him. He removed his hand from my back and held more hands up like he was surrendering.

"Well, it's like I've been telling you since you and Steve first met. And every other time you screw up," he mumbled the last part and I rolled my eyes.

"You always find a way to fix it," he finished. I looked at him for real this time. Clint might be a dumb ass but he's the smartest dumb ass I've ever met.

"When you first saw Peter did he show up with Wade? Did he tell you a different story?" I asked curiously.

"Wanda was able to track him back to the tower by seeing through his mind. She said he was with Wade before he came home," he explained with a thoughful look on his face.

"How did she know he was with Wade?"

"She could see through Peter's mind or something like that," Clint said waving his hand around his face like he was swatting a fly.

And idea came to mind when he said that.

"You think she could tell me what happened? Like the real story because Wade could've been lying," I said.

Clint shrugged and opened his mouth to say something when I cut him off.

"WAANDAA!" I yelled so loud that Clint covered his ears. "Jarvis, find Wanda."

"She is on her way now, Sir."

"Yell louder. I don't think China could hear you," Clint said rolling his eyes.

I rolled my eyes too and flicked him off when Wanda came out of her room with Pietro following behind her.

"Geez, Stark. You didn't have to yell so loud. What do you want?"

"I need to know what happened to Peter while he was away. Think you can tell me?" I asked not wanting to use the 'H' word.

Call me selfish and conceited but I hate asking for help. I'm Tony Stark. I can handle just about anything.

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