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Link glanced at all of his items on hand, hoping he had enough arrows and other weaponry to deal with whatever comes next. If his last fight told him anything, it was that it was best to be prepared for any scenario. Prepped for their journey, he made his way out toward the entrance.

The castle still had scars from the battle from 100 years ago. Rubble was still scattered around en mass, and certain areas suffered so badly from weather damage that they were practically a hazard. Of course, once the battle was over, Link could have just stayed at the home he bought and built up over in Hateno, but it wasn't that simple.

Zelda put her focus on learning the things she never could while her father was around. Link couldn't blame her for that. Either way he opted to follow her down whatever path she decided to follow. He made a vow to be her knight, and he never plans to go back on his word. Day or night, rain or shine, where she is, he'll be there to defend her at a moments notice. He proceeded to turn the corner in the midst of the long, carpeted hallway leading into the sanctum room, where he could hear...an argument? He put a little hustle in his step to see what the two were so loud about.

"Aww, come on! I can help you guys! I'm stuck here, so I might as well!" Sora pleaded.

"N-no! There's no way I can allow some stranger to involve themselves in our affairs!" Zelda waved a hand, rejecting him completely.

"I might be a stranger, but I'm not just some civilian! You saw what I can do earlier!" Sora pointed out. Zelda opened her mouth, ready to object, but suddenly closed it again, knowing he wasn't particularly wrong. Link stepped into the room, grabbing their attention.

"Can you please inform this boy how dangerous this is and that he should just wait for us to come back?" Zelda dragged her begging over to Link.

"Can you please inform HER that I can help you guys?!" Sora jumped right into the argument again, refusing to be ignored. "Besides, what if this has something to do with my world? I should be there to see it for myself right?"

Yet again, Zelda was at a loss for words. Link looked between the two, knowing full well he couldn't argue with his logic. He was capable of odd magic, so its not like he'd be completely helpless as the first sign of a threat.

He placed a calm hand on Zelda's shoulder. He didn't need to say a word, as she knew exactly what this meant with this action. His stern face and confident nod allowed her to regret her next few words just a little less.

"Please, PLEASE, Mr.Sora, just be cautious, we don't know exactly what to expect here. You may join us." Her fingers squeezed between the bridge of her nose.

"YEAH! Don't worry! I deal with stuff like this all the time!" He cheered, trying to reassure the two of them. "Oh, and just 'Sora' is fine."

Zelda and Link shared a look between themselves before looking back at the overjoyed young man. "All the time?" Zelda questioned. "I simply can't fathom the idea of you dealing with such cataclysmic feats at...such a young age."

"Uh, hey, I'm SIXTEEN! Not that that should matter much!" Sora said with irritation, pointing at himself in an attempt to strengthen his words. He let out a hefty sigh, and suddenly pumped his chest out as he began marching passed them. "Now, we should get going, your friends are in trouble right? Come on!"

"Well, you're certainly determined aren't you?" Zelda chuckled as her and Link began following behind him. He suddenly stopped in place, and stood up straight, placing a hand on his hip and scratching his head.

"Um, Sora?" Zelda said, confusion in her tone.

"I completely forgot, I don't know what to call either of you." He turned toward them with a wide smile. Zelda's eyes widened at the thought of completely neglecting to introduce herself.

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