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"WOOOHOOHOHOOO! Looks like these guys would definitely give you a run for your money, Mr. King!" The master mocked Ganon as they watched the playback of the heartless Lynel being defeated. Ganondorf growled at the man with a clenched fist.

"So, even without those powers of his, he proves to be an absolute nuisance..." Vaati studied the magic video, paying close attention to Soras attacks.

"Ah, hold on now. His powers are still THERE, just limited. The closer our worlds get, the more his strength recovers." The master corrected the young magic wielder. "However, until all the pieces are aligned, he won't truly be able to fight at full strength."

"Then why don't we take care of this NOW?! They'll only get stronger over time won't they?" Vaati pleaded impatiently. Earning a subtle huff from the hooded man.

"You do understand that if you try to fight them as you are, you're going to lose." He pointed at the mage.

"I'm not some mindless beast you fool!" He smacked the mans hand away. "I'm capable of plenty more than that Lynel that gave them trouble."

"Is that so? you're confident you could win against them?" The Master crossed his arms, making it very obvious that he was smirking behind the darkness im his hood.

"Without a doubt. I was embarrassed by them once, I WON'T let it happen again." Vaati spat.

"Ok then, think you can prove it?" The master held his hand out.

Vaati backed away with hesitation. "Are you picking a fight with me? Make no mistake, I'll defeat ANYONE in my way!"

"No, you goofball, I'm letting you prove it." He'd suddenly summoned a weapon. It was a long, dark blue blade with fanged edges. Its black handle was protected by an uneven guard. "This here is called Abyssal Tide, its a keyblade forged from my world." He gripped its hilt and turned it on its side.

"You're...just giving me this?" Vaati looked upon the strange weapon with caution.

"Yep, I figure that I should at least give you a fighting chance, so here. This will amplify your magic, but be careful, too much and things can get unstable." The man practically dropped the Keyblade in Vaati's hands.

A wide smirk appeared on his face as he held the hilt. "I see that you weren't exaggerating, the power...I can feel it flowing clearly."

"As another added bonus..." He turned toward Ganondorf. "Lend him some of that dark energy you got going on, yeah?"

"And why, praytell, would I allow this bug access to any of my power?" He spat demonically, earning a grown from Vaati.

"Because if you do, I can get you access to much more power if you do me this little favor?" He phrased it almost like a question. "Come on, help a guy out here!" The master pleaded.

With a hefty groan, he closed his eyes, and Vaati began to glow in a deep purple light. When the glow faded, his smirk became even wider. "This power...yes, with this I can slice down any opponent with ease."

"Well, go get em' then tiger!" The master of masters placed a hand behind him, and a portal of shadows formed. Vaati began to walk inside, and stopped before he'd completely disappeared.

"After I've conquered this world, mark my words, I'm coming for both of you next." Vaati threatened before he  made his exit.

"You allowed that boy all this power, and for what? So he could waste it on that pathetic world?" Ganondorf said, unamused as he crossed his arms.

"Oh trust me, what we lent him won't be nearly enough." The man in the hood laughed too himself as he turned back to the screen. This gained Ganondorfs attention as he walked next too him to continue their observation. "You see, this is as much as a lesson about this world for him as it is for you. Pay attention here, and you may have a chance at getting what you want." He surmised.

"Is that so? So be it then. Let's see what this blundering fool proves." He replied with a hearty chuckle.

"Believe me,

he has no clue what he's in for..."


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