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The princess and the otherworlder stared at the blonde hero with agapen jaws, not sure how to process the information they were just told.

"Huh? You're joking right?" Sora pointed to himself. Link shook his head, sure in himself of what he saw.

"Well, given all we've seen in such a short amount of time, I guess we can't rule anything out." Zelda sighed, giving up on calculating how something like this was even remotely possible.

Link proceeded to also mention the boys passing words.

"If you see some loser with a face like mine, tell him Xehanorts got big plans for him!"

"Yeah...that sounds about right." Sora crossed his arms, letting out a heavy sigh of his own. "But did you REALLY need to repeat the 'loser' part!" Sora jokingly pouted.

Link chuckled and raised his hands in defeat, insisting that it wasn't his words.

"Xehanort...I really hope he isn't here too, we already have enough to deal with as it is." Sora groaned.

"He's the reason you failed your exam, correct?" Zelda's curiosity spilled out. "Who is he? And why does he have a clone of you working for him?"

"I don't know, but anything that guy is up too, it can't be good." He sounded exhausted even considering the possibility of confronting him now. "Theres a chance we may run into him, and if we do, I could really use you guys' help." He looked upon them with pleading eyes.

"You said it yourself Sora, we're already friends! Even if he does appear in this worlds, we'll be primed and ready to thwart him!" Zelda cheered, earning an enthusiastic high five from Sora. They both looked to Link, who wanted to cheer along, but it was clear that his mind was somewhat elsewhere.

Zelda, who'd already known what was thinking, walked over in an attempt to clear up her own thoughts. "Link?" She started, gaining his attention. "About our earlier dispute...I apologize, I was out of line trying to command you like that, I know you have your reasons for not wanting me to fight."

He nodded, and offered his own apology. What he said wasn't meant to shut down her idea, but as her protector, he's always felt that there was no need.

"I understand." She replied with a weak smile, one Link couldn't help but notice was a very defeated one. "Would you ever consider it? I don't want to fight for the sake of fighting, but simply to have your back."

He felt a heavy sigh leave his lips. He then said he's already considered it, which gained wide eyes from the princess as well as the islander. He told her she should probably try to get some sleep so that they could have some time for training in the morning.

It clearly took her a moment to process the words, as she stood blankly staring at them. Sora's smile slowly grew wider and wider, before he began practically cheering.

"Y-you're certain?! Please Link, I'd like for nothing more than for you to be honest about this!" She doubled down, still uncertain if he really meant his words.

He assured her that this was the right course of action, and that he shouldn't let his worries hold her back from allowing herself to become stronger. He guaranteed that he would see her training through.

"Thank you! I'll be sure to learn as quickly as I can!" She caught him off guard as she wrapped her arms around him with a smile reaching from ear to ear. Link looked to Sora, who'd thrown his hands behind his head with a chuckle. Before he could say or do much else, he felt her quickly pull away with a beet red face.

"C-come Sora, we should probably rest soon!" She made her way inside the stable, b-lining it straight for her bed.

"Heh, whatever you say, your majesty." He laughed in response. He then turned to Link, and bumped his shoulder with a friendly fist. "Don't worry, I'll have your back too."

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