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Zelda spoke gently as she tended to some of the waking Rito villagers. Link helped any of the people that were hurt to the best of his abilities, while Sora and the children handed out water to everyone.

"Thank you, truly. We weren't sure what would happen when Medoh lost control, but before we could do anything, everything went...dark." Teba tried to recollect his memories as he sipped on the water his son handed him.

"Well, thank Tulin here! We wouldn't have known what to do next if he didn't give us the info!" Sora kneeled down to fist bump the young rito, who was smiling wide at his gesture.

Teba felt a smile of his own begin to form as he shook the otherworlders hand in thanks to his efforts. After not too long, and a little bit of explaining, the town was lively again, checking in on their loved ones and making sure their neighbors were safe and well, an act that brought a warmth to Zelda's heart. While there was no denying that her kingdom still had a mysterious underlying threat, it was nice to know that they could be there for one another when she couldn't be.

She took a glance over to Link, who was sharing a laugh with the village elder. She didn't even bother trying to hide her smile and rosy cheeks. His face practically mirrored hers when they made eye contact.

Her happiness quickly turned to embarrassment when she felt a nudge on her arm, and spotted a gloating smile from Sora. "C-cease that look!" Zelda commanded as she crossed her arms and turned away.

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" Sora waved his hands in defeat. "But still, I'm glad things didn't end up worse for the Rito. Dealing with those beast things alone has to be scary." He shuddered.

"I fail to find any argument with that. But these people are strong, and no matter what adversity may fall before them, they've always managed to prevail one way or another." Her confidence stood proud with her statement.

"Tch, that Revali guy didn't seem to think so." Sora scoffed in annoyance remembering the earlier conversation with the ghostly champion.

The princess thought back to the earlier conversation, wondering if his last words to them was something to concern themselves over. 

- - - - - -

Revali finally took his time to study the much smaller fighter, only to find himself with more questions than he started with.

"Weird huh?" Sora chuckled with his hands behind his head.

"Strange certainly. I never thought I'd meet another species entirely. And what a strange attire as well. These 'humans' are quite something." The rito seemingly concluded.

"Uh, not everyone like me is...LIKE me." Sora scratched his head, trying to figure out how well he could explain humanity to a bird person.

"Clearly. Are they frail like you?" Revali mocked, staring at the boys arms.

"Wh- hey!" The otherworlder took offense. "Bold words for someone who was barely standing a while ago." He smirked.

"Please. Had both of you not been fighting together I gather he would have destroyed you." The rito warrior said cockily, his comment turning Sora's smile into a glare. Link then sent a familiar stare his way, gaining his attention. "Ahh, and of course, the 'knight' is here as well. Even after all this time you still manage to make enemies like that? You sure do have your work cut out for you."

Link chuckled, which caught the bowman off guard. He then told him that it was a good thing he helped Zelda, otherwise who knows what would have happened next.

"You can thank me all you want, but why did I find myself doing *your* job? Teach her properly from now on." Revali commanded, earning a compliant nod from the swordsman.

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