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Even in the endless void, they felt a strange pressure. They could all feel Vaati's anger as if it were suffocating them. The princess continued to try and wake the barely conscious rito warrior.

"Challenging me is foolish. You'll end up just like your friend there." Vaati smirked, doing his best to egg them on. "That weakling droned on about being the ruler of the skies, but I controlled the winds, so he never stood a chance."

Their opponent laughed maniacally as they gripped their weapons. Revali was Links' rival, so he knew better than anyone that he wasn't one to go down easy.

"Who are you to call anyone a weakling? At least he stood up to you with his own power!" Sora spat back. "If I know one thing about the Keyblade, it's that it doesn't work for someone who's desperate, and you've been oozing that since we met!"

The veins on Vaati's head became evident. The aggressive winds beneath them began howling as he lifted off the ground. "LET'S SEE WHO IS TRULY DESPERATE SHALL WE?!" He shouted. No more words were shared as he lunged toward them, and slammed into the ground near them as they evaded the attack. He dashed out of the smoke toward Sora, and the fight began.

Sora did his best to block every swing, but he felt the pressure from Vaati's attacks, as they were a lot heavier than he anticipated, as his weapon wouldn't be able to withstand blocking too many hits. Sora then settled on evasion, to which his opponent didn't take too kindly. Link ran up from behind with his weapon at the ready. He leaped up for a diving swing, only to be repelled by the boys vicious winds.

"Apologies, I don't take too kindly to sneak attacks!" He raised his hands, blowing winds strong enough to push Link into the air, and slam him right on his back, knocking the air right out of him.

"LINK!" Sora called out before evading yet another swing.

"Focus on your own battle RUNT!" Vaati howled. He then leaped far back, and stuck out the end of his weapon at the boy, hurling multiple massive flames in every direction. 

"REFLEGA!" The spiky haired teen stuck his hands out in either direction, summoning a rounded glass barrier that reflected every ball of flame, throwing them right back at the user, who barely had time to defend himself. His winds scattered each flame into random direction, causing massive eruptions as they made contact with the ground.

"That magic...that's what you used the first time we met." Vaati floated down as he spoke his curiosity aloud.

"Yeah? What of it?" Sora replied in annoyance.

"It's no magic I've ever seen. Where did someone like you obtain power like that?"

Sora stuck his tongue out at the opposer, who was not too pleased by his response. "Like I'd ever tell you."

"I suppose I can't argue with that." Vaati laughed too himself, which only made Sora uneasy. "I suppose, then, that we will just have to see whose magic is superior." He grinned menacingly. Sora tightened his stance, readying himself for the next barrage.

Link managed to stand himself back up, watching for his next moment to step in. Vaati made sure to keep his eye on the two, as he readied his winds yet again.

Zelda watched from afar as they all continued to fight. Even with both of their skills combined, this person was not one to be taken lightly. She turned back to Revali, barely breathing in her lap, wondering if attacking would be drawing unnecessary attention their way.

"What...are you all even doing here?" The tired yet conceited tone grabbed her attention. Revali managed to push himself off of her. He looked toward the fight, and scoffed, causing him to erupt into a coughing fit.

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