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Ganondorf did his best not to let his jaw drop in the sight of the Master of Masters as they kept their eyes on the screen.

"I definitely warned him." The hooded master threw his hands up, as if he were the one who was defeated.

"Even with our generosity, the fool went and got himself obliterated." Ganondorf chuckled.

"Uhh, what's so funny? You saw what happened right? So you know what could happen when you go down there, don't you?" The master attempted to reason with the dark king, who only gave him a side glare in response.

"I couldn't care less for your comparison. That boy getting himself destroyed has nothing to do with me. Even with a fraction of my power, he still managed to prove worthless." The red haired lord spat, making his confidence clear.

"Kinda figured you wouldnt take no for an answer." MoM finally gave up. "So then, you have a plan for them?"

"My plans are of no concern to you. Grant me access or I'll take it." Ganondorf threatened with engulfed hands.

"Don't worry big guy, I don't plan to keep you from your throne." The upbeat man confirmed, finally getting the king to settle down a bit. He then put up a finger, gaining his attention one last time.

"Once you're down there, you may need my help. I shall be watching, but I will only assist you once. Use my help wisely, alright?"

Ganondorf continued to watch him, waiting for him to make one of his usual jokeful gestures. But he never did, simply putting his hands behind his back patiently awaiting his response.

"We shall see." Ganondorf simply replied.

After a subtle chuckle from the master, he raised his hand, palm facing behind him, and a swirl of shadows appeared.

"Until we meet again, my liege." He bowed. Ganon wasn't sure if he was taunting him or not, but decided to ignore him as he made his way inside, causing the mass of shadows to disappear after him.

Master of Master lifted himself back up, and gave a heavy sigh.

"How sad." He muttered.


The dark king appeared on the other side, squinting as it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sudden sunlight. He found himself on a cliffside, just outside of a cave opening. He made his way toward the grassy edge, and beamed in awe as it overlooked all of Hyrule, his new kingdom.

He began to chuckle, until it evolved into a full blown hearty laugh.

"I was expecting weird, but this is full on strange if you ask me." A moody tone seemed to mock him.

He turned around, and watched as three strange characters approached him. Two quickly kneeled before him, one simply stood there, confidently staring at him with his hands in his pockets. His face looked a lot like the boy who defeated Vaati, but he was wearing the same coat as the master of masters. Before reacting, he simply awaited their introductions.

"Lord Ganon, I presume?" The one holding the strange orb spoke next, a gleaming smile on his face as if he couldn't contain his excitement. "I am Astor, a prophet. I've waited my entire life for your arrival! For this occasion, I present and offering!"

He lifted his orb, and an an instant, another one spawned, one much larger, encapsulating a familiar face. The angry young boy clad in green looked around frantically, practically in a panic. Once his eyes landed on Ganondorf, his concern turned into a scowl, as if he were disgusted by the sight.

"Well well, I didn't think we'd reconnect again so soon boy." Ganondorf stepped closer. Link didnt let up on his glare. "That unwavering confidence will be your downfall. The gods have made their decision on your fate." He turned away from him, earning a frustrated grunt.

"He was quite easy to capture. Loud as he was, alone he was helpless." Astor made the orb containing him vanish once again into the unknown. "You're correct about the choice of the gods, as I see you're future clearly."

Ganon simply raised an eyebrow, and turned toward the cocky boy in the center, hoping he may have an answer.

"That weird orb thing he has let him track us all down, and make our way to you. He's convinced that you're meant to be this worlds king or something." The younger one explained.

"And yet, you do not bow?" Ganondorf kept a heavy eye on him.

"I'll believe it when I see it old man." The boy didn't back down, giving off his own threatening aura. This earned an amused smirk from Ganondorf.

"You share a similar face as that other one. Why is this?" His curiosity got the best of him.

The boys face suddenly grew irritated. "Long story. I couldn't be more different from that loser."

"And who are you then, child?"

"It's Vanitas, and trust me, I'm no child." His smirk finally returned.

Contempt with his response, he then gazed upon the final newcomer. He appeared quite tall, almost lanky. His pale grey skin almost made his dark eyes illuminate in a way. His large blue diamond earrings swayed gently with every movement.

"It appears we have met much sooner than anticipated. My plan for your revival was much more grand, but I suppose this will do!" He exclaimed. "I am known as Ghirahim." The man in the diamond detailed outfit bowed with a hand on his chest.

"Its so good to see you once again, master."

Ganon was taken aback. His time was short as he was punished for a plan he was never able to execute, and yet he found someone dedicated enough to warrant his revival? After a quiet moment, calling back to his moments with the Master of Masters as well as Vaati, he came to the conclusion that he must have meant a different version of him.

The king simply huffed as he turned his back toward them. "This world belongs to me. Should you choose to follow me, I will not stop you." He announced, making his way down the hill. Picking themselves up, Astor and Ghirahim followed along, seemingly brimming with excitement. Vanitas scoffed as he begrudgingly followed along, not sure what he had in store for himself.

The grasslands, while still surprisingly lush, were clearly old, and not very well kept. The youngest one stared off into the distance, correct in his assumption that they were making their way to what appeared to be a very run down temple. Its ceiling was broken in, and its walls were either beyond corroded or broken through.

It wasn't until they found themselves walking up a set of old steps that he finally decided to ask his question. "What's the plan here, gramps? You gonna pray your enemies away or something?" He joked aloud. He was unsurprised when the other two followers didn't seem to take kindly to his joke.

What surprised *all* of them was the chuckle Ganon emitted after a moment, seemingly amused with the boy's comment.

"Not pray so much as command." He confidently updated him. He then took his finger, and guided their eyes over toward a tired statue, in the shape of a woman with small wings on her back. It stood taller than all of them as they approached. "She will be the one to tell me more of this world." He spoke again before raising his hand. He placed it gently on the statue. For a moment, there was nothing. Vanitas found himself staring at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering what he expected to happen once he did this.

His question didn't go unanswered for long, as a swirl of shadows began to form around his hand, almost as if he were draining the statue's essence. It was in this moment the boy realized the sort of power that Ganondorf was wielding, and why these other strange characters were so desperately willing to follow him.

Once he was done, he turned toward them with golden glowing eyes, to which Astor and Ghirahim bowed once again. Even Vanitas decided he should follow along, and brought himself to one knee as well.

"This world has been beaten and broken. Their peace is false, and they know nothing of true order." He raised a glowing hand, which became a tight fist.

"So it seems I will be the one to teach them how a true king reigns."


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