9 (Part 1)

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As they dashed toward their opponents, Link and Sora readied their weapons. Their enemies were ready, gripping their own weapons with deadly intent.

"I'll take the ones on the left!" Sora announced to his battle partner. Link nodded, and they split off, rushing headlong into the waves of shadow creatures.

The Hylian princess and the Zora princess holding her younger sibling watched in awe as the two warriors slew through bundles of shadows with little to no struggle.

"Link appears as strong as ever!" Mipha said with a hint of relief. "But...who is this other boy? He borrowed our trident...and he seems to be managing it just as well as I would." Curiosity filled her tone as she watched Sora spin the Lightscale Trident with an impressive amount of flair.

"Mysterious isn't he?" Zelda said, not letting her eyes off the battle for even a moment. "His name is Sora. He hails from another realm entirely."

"Is this why he doesn't seem to possess the appearance of a Hylian? How did he get to our realm?" She held her hand to her agapened jaw.

"We're still not sure, we didn't get the chance to delve into much of anything. As soon as we met him, we heard about the dilemma with Ruta, and made our way here."

Mipha looked back toward the ongoing struggle with eyes of bewilderment. "Well, it appears he's at least on our side, and I'm quite glad about that."

"You and I both. As I'm sure you'll see, his skillset is quite..." Zelda looked down, not sure exactly what word would sum up her thoughts. "...Unorthodox."

Link slashed directly through two of the creatures in his path, both of them disintegrating into a mist of particles. He got a glimpse of Sora on the other side of the battlefield as he watched him throw the lightscale trident, sending it into a constant rotation, cutting down quite a few shadows in its path before sticking into whatever ground there was supposed to be beneath them. Sora was quick to nab it again, as he continued clearing a path for their leader, lying in wait.

"GO FOR ITS HANDS, WE HAVE TO GET IT TO STOP MAKING HEARTLESS!!" The boy shouted as he sprinted toward it. Link followed suit, and made a leap for the beastly shadow.

It made an attempt to swat the boys away, but to no avail. Only knocking over a few of its own troops, Link and Sora both clung to the oversized hands, and stuck their weapons through, earning a loud roar in response. The swirling mass the beast was using to summon the shadows had quickly dissipated, proving that their attack worked. It became frantic, swinging its arms around wildly. Its underlings responded to its agony, running toward, and climbing up on it while it sat on its knees.

Sora on the left hand, and Link on the right, they both managed to hold on only by the handles of their weapons, seemingly never obtaining a moment to counterattack. They were both forced to remove their weapons as the moblins finally reached them. They managed to cut through the monsters interrupting their plan, only for it to completely fall apart once the kneeling shadow finally flung them off. They managed to land back on their feet, frustrated that the enemy was able to gain ground again so quickly. Its Moblins formed yet another barrier.

Link looked toward the master blade once again, attempting to form another plan. He hadn't noticed until now that the blade was glowing yet again. He couldn't help but tilt his head. This creature was from Sora's realm, so what could it possibly have to do with Ganon? Despite that, he decided to utilize this to his advantage. He looked to Sora, who was just as much in his own head. He flagged down his attention, and spoke of his new plan.

"What? You can do that?" Sora said, flabbergasted. Link nodded, and suggested he prepare himself to make a mad dash toward their opponent. "Ok, I'll leave it to you!" The boy smirked. He made his way behind Link. The hero outstretched his arm, and the blade began to light up even more. Sora hunched into his starting position.

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