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The day was bright, regardless of the many clouds overtaking the sky.

"This is what you were doing while I was stuck in that castle?" Zelda frowned as her face was hit by the wind of the fast moving sand seal she was riding. "And why couldn't we just ride your bike to Vah Naboris?"

Link explained that even if he was able to somehow get it moving properly on the sand, he didn't have anything to refill the gas tank on him currently. He admits he wasn't sure he was gonna need it.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen again." Zelda said with an annoyed tone, raising her eyebrow at the blond hero. As they rode, the sand began to rise, and their visions became blurred by the mucky air. They both squinted, and continued forward with full intention to complete the quest they set out for. "Is the dust always this bad over here?" Zelda wondered as she shot her head around in different directions, her hand covering her face, trying to find the source of the sandstorm. "I cant even see anything, do you think its Vah Naboris?"

Link shrugged, and turned his attention back towards his sand seals path. After a few more moments of movement, a loud thud was audible, then another. The noises kept coming, and in no real rhythm.

"That stomping...that has to be the divine beast, we must be getting close." She kept her gaze in the direction of the noise. In the dust they were able to make out a large camel like figure, stomping sparaticly in the sand.

"Link we should stop, if we get too close while it's moving like that we may get hit."

Link agreed and they halted their sand seals. Zelda removed herself, and squatted near the face of her seal to pet it as a reward for its work. "Any ideas as to how to see whats going on?" She looked to Link for answers.

Link held his chin in his hand for a moment, then his eyes widened. He kneeled next to Zelda and explained his plan.

"Ahh, I see, Revali's gale would also rid us of at least some of this dust for a moment." She agreed to the idea.

Link nodded, and stood back too his feet again towards the source of the sound. He placed his knee and both hands on the ground, and closed his eyes. He became surrounded in green waves of light. As if he was a small bomb, he released the energy, and leaped high, soaring off into the air in a glorious gust of wind, pushing away a good majority of the sandy debree. He got up high and eventually stopped spinning. He reached behind him and grabbed his trusted glider, which was slightly worn from the amount of use it had gotten. During his slow decent, he did his best to get a glimpse at the scene below him. He witnessed Vah Naboris once again after a long time, but this was not the same. Unlike their first meeting, the beast wasn't as simply tamed. What was once a simple machine walking in place, summoning lighting and thunder only when the reign that Ganon had over it was threatened, was now a wild threat, stomping and thrashing in a rapid style. The lines in its design were no longer blue, but bouncing between yellow and black. It roared, and stomped yet again.

Link stared closer at the beast to realize that it wasn't hitting the ground randomly, but aiming at something it couldn't hit. His stamina grew weaker, and he could stay in the air no longer. He landed not so gracefully back towards the sand below him.

"So?" Zelda wondered impatiently.

Link explained that the divine beast was losing its mind.

"Its gone haywire? But why? We must get inside." She insisted. Link put his arm out, and nodded, insisting she stay behind.

"What? You still don't think I can handle myself? Link I'll be fine." She tried to walk passed him, but he still refused to let her. She shot him an aggressive glare, strong enough to melt metal. He apologized practically bowing as he started to make his way in the direction of Naboris on his sand seal.

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