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They were updated on the location of their target, and with their intent clear, the champion guided his companions toward the training grounds, where he was once challenged by Tulins father only a year prior. The entire way there, Link and Zelda couldn't help but feel guilty watching Sora shiver constantly, as he was unfortunately not as used to cold weather.

"Don't worry! We're quite close now!" Zelda tried to comfort him, even though she was certain the cold wouldn't get any better as they approached their destination.

It wasn't long before they reached the flight range. Tall walls of mountain surrounding a deep trench, which was deep enough not to ever see the bottom. The constant gusts of wind emanating from it only irritated the young islander even more as it didn't help with the cold. Sitting comfy in the center of the chasm, a tall, spiked rock, in which the divine beast was comfortably perched on. The glow emanating from its mechanisms were that familiar yellow and purple that they had already seen twice before, so it was easy to tell that something was wrong.

As quietly as they could, they followed the rugged and snowy path that led to the platform on the right hand side of the chasm. They made their way up the wooden ladder, and finally set foot on the surprisingly stable platform.

Link took a glance around at the training grounds, reminiscing of the task that Teba challenged him too during his journey. He smirked, as he remembered how much strain he put on his glider just to prove himself. He didn't have the wings of a Rito, but as a champion, he had to be able to keep up regardless, as letting any of them down wasn't an option. Seemed like a lifetime ago, and yet so recent as well.

"Link?" The other Hylian whispered, interrupting his flow of memories. "We have to find a way to get close, we should formulate a plan."

"The quicker the better." Sora spoke through his chattering teeth.

Link quickly worked to help temporarily relieve the cold. He grabbed one of the bundles of unused wood nearby, and started a quick fire under the pot that was resting in the center of the roofed platform. They all looked back to make sure that Vah Medoh didn't notice their movements. To their surprise, it sat still, quiet, and faced in the other direction.

As they turned back, Sora was already making the most out of the fire.

"Ok, what's our course of action here? If what Tulin told us was correct, approaching and getting anywhere near its console will be no easy feat, not if it's hostile." Zelda laid out the facts. The boys were at attention, doing their best to formulate plans of their own. Link mentioned the fact that it doesn't seem like its shields are up, and that whatever might be controlling this one either broke through or turned off the defenses from the inside already.

"Which means that any offensive resistance won't be automatic. It seems that our best chance is to sneak in." The princess muttered, almost alarmingly excited. "Although, unlike you two, it might be hard for me to get close, especially if I have to climb. Unfortunately that skillset is not within my arsenal." She continued to ponder.

Link brought attention to the fact that the console was on the creatures back, but the winds alone wouldn't be strong enough to get her up to it.

"Well, all you need is that slate thing right? I could probably make it up there." Sora offered.

"That might be true, but going in alone will be dangerous, we don't know what we're up against yet. In addition, if we're left outside, we'd have to fend off the divine beast the entire time, and that would drain our stamina quite quickly." Zelda countered.

With some more thinking, it appeared that Link had come up with something, based on the raised eyebrow to follow the smirk. He looked above him, and the other two followed along. They noticed a few loose brown blanketed hammocks hanging up, most likely for the warriors to rest inside of after training. He then glanced over toward the leftover bundles of wood that was used for the fire.

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