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The Gerudo finally opened his eyes. The room was illuminated solely by the decorative candles on the wall, and whatever morning light happened to make it through the homely decorated windows. The large turning gears on the eastern side of the room were the first thing to grab his attention. After that, the mass of books either lined up on the short wooden shelves, or spilled out onto the tiled floor.

"Well well! It seems the king finally awakens!" He turned toward a very enthusiastic voice, seemingly pleased with itself. He got a good look at the character, or at least the best look he COULD get with that long coat on. His face was covered, the darkness from the hood completely surrounded all of his features. He sat cross legged at his desk, staring at him with impatient crossed arms.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure?" The man replied with a smug tone.

"No pleasantries necessary. Ganondorf? Is that right?" The hooded figure pointed to him, speaking in a playful tone.

"That name, you say it as if you're familiar with it. Why?" The dark king spoke in his condescending but curious tone.

"Would you believe me if I told you I read about it?" The hooded man stood from his seat, and began pacing. "Just a realm away, the ultimate battle between good and evil, lasting for centuries, even melania. Such a fierce and enriching story!"

Ganondorf raised a brow. Who exactly was this character? How much did he know about his history?

"Curious huh? You've gotta be SOOO curious about this little encounter. Don't worry, you're not the only one!" He started, practically reading the Gerudo's mind.

"I am. To what do I owe this encounter? What could you possibly want with me?" He didn't even try to hide his menacing stare.

"Oh, it's not about what you can do for me!" He waved his hands. "It's about what WE can do for you!"

"In that sense, what exactly are you offering?" He clenched his fist, growing clearly impatient.

"Hold on now! I think our interests align! We can talk this out can't we?!" The cloaked stranger put his hands on his hips.

Ganondorf loosened his clench. He became skeptical. This character didn't show even a hint of alarm at his presence, even though he KNEW who he was. It was probably best not to press too far, as he was not yet aware of this person's capabilities.

The man noticed, and let out a light scoff.

"Good answer." He sounded smug. "Now, I guess a little explanation is in order, seems fair since I'm the one that dragged you all the way here, right?" His tone switched almost instantly, and his gesturing followed. "You see, because of the unnatural collision of our realms, you were pulled from your own timeline. This was a timeline in which you were simply bound to fail." He began pacing with his hand clasping his wrist behind his back.

"I take it has to do with the boy? The so-called 'hero'? True enough, he's bested me once, but he-"

"Would have done it all over again." The man cut him off. "You may be the lord of darkness, but unfortunately, those gods of yours have you destined to lose each time you face off with him."

He wanted to argue, but he couldn't help but resonate with the man's point. His memories were blurry, but the one thing he was certain about was his loss to the young man. He let out a regretful huff before giving a response. "So, what do you propose we do to change this inevitable outcome then?"

The man suddenly let out a chuckle, earning an unamused glare. "Oh but you see...I already DID change the outcome. You being here? Your original timeline has already changed! You should be long dead, and yet here you stand, as powerful and gloomy as ever!" His held his arms out and shook his hands at Ganondorf, as if to show off his prized accomplishment. "We've completely altered your course, and now, we have all the power in the world to change it!"

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