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"Wooaahh." Sora didn't bother trying to hide his dropped jaw as she finished her story. "Wait a second...Roxas?! What's HE doing here too?!"

"I take it you're familiar with him. I owe him a great deal." The newly introduced Zelda held her head.

"I didn't hear anything about him being here, he must have been hiding out." Riku chimed in. "You haven't seen him or that Ravio guy since you made it here, right?" He questioned the princess with crossed arms.

"Correct. They told me to run, and I didnt want to betray their wishes. It's likely they're prisoners of Ganondorf now. He was known to always be the type to use underhanded tactics." She said, a hint of vile in her words at the mere mention of his name.

Link glanced around. All of them were clearly distraught for one reason or another. He couldn't even deny his own concerns at this point. A third version of himself, another of which was now within Ganondorfs clutches. On top of this, based on her story, it seems that they've sieged Hyrule castle, a complete blunder on his end from complete disregard. There was nothing to be done, but to leave it completely unguarded like that...

He then looked toward the great Deku tree once again, who noticed his determined stare.

"It seems you seek my guidance once again, young hero?" It deduced, staring back into his steeled eyes.

Link nodded, and proceeded to ask one of many question, starting with how the tree knew that Sora and Riku were realm travelers.

"Oooh ho ho. My connection with this world transcended time itself. It should be no mystery that I know its ongoings, even from in here." The tree chuckled aloud in its hearty tone. "The Korok children also keep me informed as well, as these past few moons have been quite strange as of late."

Link couldn't disagree. It would be hard to miss something like the most recent blood moon, as well as the surgence of Heartless around Hyrule.

"I owe my thanks to the Korok as well, as they were the ones who guided me here." Zelda smiled.

"Sorry, you keep saying that but...what IS a Korok?" The spiky brown haired teen interrupted before the conversation could continue without him any further.

His question was quickly answered, as a sudden whistle sound appeared from Zelda's direction. He looked down, noticing a small creature peering from around her dress. It appeared to be a small, stick-like creature, with a leaf covering any semblance of a face.

Even when Sora kneeled down to its height, it still barely reached his knee. It waddled over to him, and held out what must have been a hand.

"No way! These guys are adorable!" Sora shook the friendly creature's branch hand with two fingers. They all noticed as they began to appear in abundance, floating down from the ancient tree branches, appearing on Riku's shoulder, and in various other places within the flower-crowded forest.

Link had noticed that there was a lot more Korok present here than usual, and questioned why that was.

"With the dangers of the outside world lately, they sought shelter here. With the newly gained power of the dark forces, even the Korok cannot hide in the shadows for long." Deku tree explained.

"Man, we're sorry about that you guys." Riku scratched his head, feeling guilty for the little creatures. "There HAS to be a way to get rid of those things, or at least to make the heartless disappear from here."

"It won't be an easy task." The tree gained their attention once again. "Our realms are becoming intertwined, which only enhances the permanence of their stay. Yours as well. You've noticed this change within yourselves, haven't you?"

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