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"Hmm, just as I expected..." The blond uttered softly to herself as she carefuly studied the small device in her hands. The boy glanced at her with a small smirk as he watched the girl he worked so hard to save begin pacing in deep thought, wrapped up in her own universe. He stared up at the oddly dark, cloudy morning sky. In his perriferal, the towering unmoving beast. Even though it wasn't all that long ago, it felt like so much time had passed since the reawakened hero had to deal with what was considered to be a world threatening situation.

"Link?" The girls voice brought him out of his mind absent state. His attention was brought to the smiling princess now right in front of him. "You space out a lot more than you used to you know?" She giggled.

He replied with a small chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well..." She started as she turned toward the tall humanoid fish standing before them. "There seems to be absolutely no changes in Vah Ruta. Its definitely alive, just unresponsive." She said in somewhat of a disappointed tone.

"I see...sorry about the bother princess Zelda, maybe it was our imagination after all." He replied in confusion, placing a hand on his chin and staring back at the mechanical monster.

"Actually, it may not be Prince Sidon." Zelda responded quickly. "You weren't the first to inform us of this issue about strange movements coming from the beasts, the Rito asked us not too long ago for assistance as well."

"There may be something we're missing then, but for the time being, it seems theres nothing more to do than keep a close eye on it, and I plan to do just so!" Sidon pumped a fist and flashed a reassuring smile down towards them. The two smiled back and began to take their leave.


"Strange hmm?" Zelda began as she looked towards Link as she sat atop her prancing white stallion. "Normally Id play this off as someone just acting paranoid, but for it to happen three times, and so soon after each other..." She tilted her head.

Link stared and listened, as his hair, clothes and equipment too bounced around with the stepping of his own horse.

"Maybe to save us the trouble of just waiting for them to call us, we should pay the Gerudos a visit hmm?" She threw him a smile.

He believes he may have imagined his heart skipping a beat. He returned the smile and they began making their way southwest towards Gerudo desert.


"Why...?" Zelda's eyes widened in horror as they stopped before the sandy gates of the little town. Their eyes gravitated towards the few bodies spread across the ground. Zelda hopped off her horse and hurried towards the unmoving, grounded woman. Link followed close behind. The princess lowered her ear towards the face of the body, and went still for a moment.

"She's alive..." She exhaled in relief as she lifted her head up.

Link sighed as well, and took a kneel directly next to the princess.

"She's clearly been injured...but where?" She cautiously inspected the limp body. "Is the damage internal?" She placed the red haired woman down carefully.

Suddenly, a loud crash alerted the two as they shot up and turned their heads in the direction of the throne room, jolting them both to their feet. Link gave a nod towards Zelda, as to alert her of his intention to check out the source of the crashing sound.

"Please stay safe..." Zelda placed a hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly.

The hero flashed her a reassuring smile, and reached for his equipment on his back. In his left hand, a large dark blue shield with a golden symbol designing the front. In his right, a weapon with a blue handle, and a long shining silver blade. With protection in hand, he ran with no hesitation towards the obvious danger. He entered the dark room, his large steps now practically small scootches. Link heard a small groan, and shoots a sharp glare at what he believes to be the intruder. Its dark, and he's left unable to make-out anything, let alone identify the mystery threat. After staring long enough, he finds two bright yellow lights, staring a hole through him. The stare down didn't last long before the eyes disappeared into the muddy mist. Links guard came down, as he knew the threat had disappeared. He sighed and placed his sword and shield back in their holdings.


"Yellow eyes you say?" Zelda questioned, her head slightly tilted in that way Link knew all too well. "Well, as long as you're alright. But my concern lies with them."  She turned back towards the bedded gerudo. Link took a glance around the dimly lit room, the infirmary beds were all taken up.

"I don't believe they'll be waking up anytime soon, they're alive but, somethings definitely wrong." A young doctor approached the two.

"Do you know what the problem is?" Zelda worried, her hands grasping one another tightly.

"Im actually unsure, things seem stable as far as their bodies. Its almost as if they're in comas."

Zelda turned worried eyes towards Link. He returned that same gaze. The idea of the people he'd grown to know the past year stuck in an endless sleep wouldn't sit well. He did his best to give Zelda and the doctor a look that said "We'll figure this out." They seemed to settle down slightly, but Link was far from comfortable.

"I meant to ask, what happened to Riju? Link told me that she wasn't in her room." Zelda brought up.

"The chief went out to investigate Vah Naboris after some suspicious activity earlier today. Now that I think about it no ones seen her since she left." The young doctor placed her clipboard down and placed a hand in her pocket. "She told us not to worry but it has been a few hours now."

Link and Zelda shared a look of concern almost instantly. "Come on Link, we should go find her." Zelda practically bolted towards the door. Link quickly grabbed her arm and turned her towards him. He gave a nod, letting her know that her hastiness was a bad idea.

"Link's right, princess it'd probably be best to wait until morning at the very least. Im sure she's fine, she's our chief after-all." The Gerudo doctor smirked. "Besides, all the sand seals are sleeping, it'd take you a lot longer to get there on foot through that desert."

Zelda sighed, "You're right, we'll be of no help to her for now. Link, we're going after her first thing in the morning." She stormed off towards the room she was offered. Link watched her walk in frustration, but he knew her intentions were good, she had made good friends with the descendants and families of the champions, so their safety was just as important as anyone else in Hyrule. Link thanked the doctor and went to his room. It was very bland, with nothing but a small window and a bed with a nightstand holding a light atop. He placed his things down and plopped on top of the covers, immediately feeling the weight of the day sink in. And, almost like nothing, the day was over.

ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE DID THIS HOLY MOLY, I've been plotting some original stories as well so those took my primary focus, but I refuse to give up on this re-boot. Anyhow, sorry for taking so long, do me the usual favor and I'll see you in the next chapter! 

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