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After a quick rest at the generous lodging of Rito Village, they set out once again back to Hateno. Both Hylians found themselves concerned with the seemingly mysterious request of Purah. She was usually one to be up front with them, but this time, she actually WITHHELD information, something they aren't used to her doing by this point.

It was likely that whatever was going on was likely to do with their situation, so there was little point to dwell on the questions. Sora on the other hand found himself nodding off on the ride back, something the horseback riders found quite amusing.

"Link..." She grabbed the horse rider's attention. "Have I ever thanked you for protecting the kingdom?"

This caught the fighter off guard. He told her that after the fall of calamity, she most likely did, but they were both so busy checking in with the entirety of the kingdom that he didn't seem one hundred percent sure of that response.

"You seem quite unsure." She read his mind. "Though, I couldn't blame you. Given all that's happened, on top of your selflessness, why would you remember?"

Link seemed conflicted as to whether she meant that as a compliment or a joking insult. He assumed the former as he felt her arms wrap tighter around him as the horse continued to move at a brisk pace.

"I appreciate you, you know. No matter what adversity seems to come our way, or whatever strange doing seems to present itself, you're always at the forefront, ready and willing to do what it takes to protect us." She said with a warm tone.

He found himself unsure of how to respond to her. The battle felt far from over, and yet here his princess was, spilling her heart a bit. He decided to return the favor, mentioning that if it weren't for her, he wasn't sure he'd be able to fight in the first place.

It was a good thing he couldn't see her, as she felt a embarrassingly large smile beaming on her face.

Sora smirked to himself, wondering if they forgot that he wasn't too far away, but decided to keep his smugness to himself for the time being.

The ride was long and tiring, and as much as they would have liked to stop, they all had a worry in the back of their minds from the ominous message that forced them to press on through the exhaust. Eventually, once night fell, Hateno was in view. The tax of their trip began to set in more once they actually set foot into town. They were giving drowzee greetings to any villagers that still happened to be up and doing their nightly tasks outside.

As they made their way up the hill toward the lab, they all perked up when they laid eyes on the mysterious contraption sitting outside. It appeared to be made of large colorful building blocks, which confused both Hylians.

"No way..." Sora muttered.

"Do you recognize that contraption?" Zelda questioned.

"I think so!" He said before he began practically sprinting up the hill. The tired blondes did their best to keep up with him while guiding their horse up the hill as well.

Scaring everyone inside, the brown haired boy burst through the doors. He got a good look at all the eyes staring back at him. One blue set in particular had a devious smirk on his face.

"Took you long enough! You'd think you'd put some pep in your step with a message like that." The silver haired one mocked.

Sora's smile began to widen into a laugh. He then began charging toward the taller boy with his arms outstretched.

"RIKU!" He laughed, practically wrapping his best friend's neck into a chokehold.

"Geez! You make it seem like I didn't just see you a few days ago!" Riku laughed, scratching the back of his head.

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