9 (Part 2)

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After a long night's rest, showered with the facilities they have prepared for non-Zora guests, and a hearty breakfast provided by Link, they were ready to set out once again.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like for me to accompany you? I assure you I can handle myself in battle." Sidon pleaded.

"Nah, you have your people to look after. They're going to need you if something else happens. Don't worry, we can totally handle this!" Sora reassured the prince.

Zelda stared at the young man, impressed with his understanding and compassion. "I'm inclined to agree." She stated, setting up Storm's pack with water. "You've done so much for us already, and we are truly grateful. For now you should focus on rebuilding, and taking care of anyone who might still be shaken up by these events."

"As you say then princess, but by any means, if any of you need the help, don't hesitate for even a second to request it!" Sidon offered with a prideful smile.

Link patted his friend on the back, letting him know that they surely would if the time arose. He lifted himself on the back of Zelda's steed, and he held out his hand to her. With rosy cheeks, she took it, and climbed on behind him. Sora hopped right on the fully refueled cycle, revving it in anticipation. Sidon and the other Zora's waved the trio off as they made their way across the lightly damaged bridge, and murmurs began as they considered how to go about reconstruction.


Zelda had been pondering too herself for quite some time as the boys chatted on their long journey. Even when they took the shortcut through the Lanayru Wetlands, quite some time had passed. Link eventually noticed her unusual quiet, and asked what was wrong.

"O-oh, nothing!" She replied, a tad startled. "It's just..." She looked over toward Sora, who was purposefully slowing down the bike to keep pace with Storm as it trotted along.

"Whats up?" Sora pointed too himself, noticing her gaze.

"Last night, you mentioned that weapon of yours, the Keyblade. You can usually summon it on command, correct?" She asked, receiving a confused nod from the teen. "You've been here for over a day and you still can't use it. This leads me to believe that there's something blocking your connection."

"Oh? Do you know what's doing it?" Sora said, hopefulness in his tone.

"I wish I did." Zelda nodded. "However, I feel like I may know someone who could possibly assist us." She suddenly reached for her slate, and tapped on it. After a few moments, Link heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"Princess! How ya doin!" The energetic woman on the other end of the screen flashed a peace sign at Zelda.

"Good afternoon Purah, I hope all is well!" Zelda replied. "I was thinking we could stop by, I have something...er...someone that might interest you."

"What?! What is it, can I see?" She put her eyeball up to the camera, earning a chuckle from the Hylian.

"I think it'd be easier to just show you, and explain it in person." Zelda proposed, knowing full well she'd be testing her patience.

"Heeey!! Don't go holding out on me! You know how curious I get about this stuff!!" Purah pouted. "Well, I'd love to help but I'm not even at my lab right now, I'm visiting Impa and Paya in Kakariko right now."

"Oh! Well we actually aren't too far off from you! We could make our way there now! We have much we should discuss."

"Fine, but don't keep us waiting! Get here asap!" She put her free hand on her hip.

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