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The blue eyed newcomer held her hand out toward the bloodthirsty Riku. A bright light slowly began to shine, and take shape. Midna paid close attention, not sure as to what was going to happen next.

Link on the other hand was more than aware of what was happening, as he'd seen his darkness infected friend do the same thing when they fought together back at the castle.

This girl was summoning a Keyblade.

His assumption was right, as a large key with a silver shaft, held by a black handle, and a golden guard appeared in her grip. He wasn't aware that there were more people like Riku that could use such a weapon, but was happy to see it nonetheless, as they'd certainly need that extra power right about now.

He raised a brow, as he felt there was something off about it. Its almost as if it weren't fully formed. On the blade, there were chunks that kept forming and deforming in a glitch-like manner. He was tempted to ask why that was, but he decided that was a question better suited for after the battle.

She made her dash, and engaged with her opponent. Since Riku had no weapon of his own. He resorted to punches and kicks. But this opponent wasn't going down as easily as his previous aggressors. While she wasn't as physically strong, she did decently in holding her own.

Link noticed that Riku stayed on the offense, while the newcomer did the opposite. She wasn't trying to hurt him, only blocking all of his attacks. He was relentless, never slowing down with any of his hits.

"Shouldn't we DO something?!" Midna panicked, latching onto the young boys shoulder as she shook him.

He agreed with her, as he realized that the girls stamina wouldn't last long against a fighter like Riku. He sprang, and dived shield first into the fighters shoulder, grabbing his attention.

"Wha-? What are you doing?!" The dark haired girl shouted in disapproval. Link only had time to give her a determined nod before Riku turned his offense his way. She was surprised to see the smaller character holding his own. He even played into her idea of wearing him out by dodging every attack.

Midna looked toward the guards, who were in awe. They were clearly unsure about what to do regarding the fight. Should they hop in? Would they be in the way? They were not sure if they could handle the aggressive Voe.

Midna found herself in a similar position. She didn't want to get in anyone's way, but she also couldn't stand just sitting out on the sidelines. She waited until the opportune moment to make her jump.

The dark haired girl took her turn in the fight. Riku proved to still be much too skilled, dodging every swing of her blade with ease. She managed to block his repeated blows, but it was almost doing her no good. Finally, he found an opening, and kicked his opponent away.

Link rushed in to distract him while she got up, but his attempt was in vain, as he was flung to the ground by the older boys overwhelming strength. He walked over to the downed blonde, looking down as if he were some sort of prey. He reeled his fist back, ready to deal his final devastating blow to Link. The young mans legs struggled to follow his instructions as fear began to take over. He stared into his friends eyes, awaiting the devastating blow.

But it never came.

Riku found himself putting most of his energy into pulling his fist, only to realize it was never moving. He turned, and found his wrist wrapped in orange lockes. They led back to Midna, who'd been holding him back with as much strength as she could.

"Sorry, but we can't have you doing that!" She smirked through her strain.

Riku finally turned his attention toward her. He got a tight grip on the hand on his wrist, and began pulling it toward him. Midna was dragged against her will directly toward the assailant, doing her best to pull back, but scared of letting go. She was getting closer, and her dread growing. She didn't want to hurt him, but she may not have another choice. She had to make her decision fast, as her time was growing short, not knowing exactly what this current version of Riku was capable of.

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