23 (Part 2)

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Her eyes opened, greeted by a bland ceiling and a cold breeze. She attempted to blink away the drowzee, not aware of herself or where she was. She sat up in the surprisingly soft bed, and took a glance around. She appeared to be at some sort of inn.

She decided to search her memories, in hopes of drawing up some form of conclusion as to how she ended up this way. She was princess Zelda, of what once used to be the Kingdom of Hyrule. She was in line to become queen, but before it could happen, she was overthrown by Zant, and the kingdom was thrown into pure chaos, to which she had no control over. She'd gone into hiding, and eventually met Link, a man turned beast, transformed by the twilight.

She also met Midna, whom she had sacrificed herself for in an attempt to make sure she survived. After that, her memory was fuzzy. But if she had given her life...

How was she here?

She couldn't make sense of it, so maybe someone else could. As she got a better look around, she looked out the open entrance. She noticed that it was sunny outside, and that ice and snow were the first visible thing in the distance, straying out for seemingly miles on end. The inn itself was cozy, set up with beds on one side, and chairs and tables on the other, complete with what seemed like newspapers.

She finally looked too her right, noticing something, or rather *someone* looking directly at her.

"Oh! You're awake!" He said cheerfully. She was thrown off, as she didnt see a mouth saying the words, only the purple bunny mask that covered his face, watching her through its large blue eyes. He dawned a blue scarf that flowed alongside his purple robe.

"Were you...watching me?" The cautious princess asked.

"Oh, n-no! Not in a weird way!" The man waved his hands nervously. "You passed out on the mountain, same as me, but you wouldn't wake up, so when I found you, I brought you to the closest place I could find."

"I see. Thank you, you've saved my life." She bowed her head, surprised she still had a life to save.

"No problem! But say..." He inspected her a bit closer. "Is your name...Zelda, by chance?"

She was visibly taken aback, she was the princess so it wasn't odd that he knew her, although it *was* odd that he asked.

"Yes." She responded.

"Yeah, then that just about settles it." He crossed his arms. "Something is WAY screwy."

Zelda was floored by his statement. "What do you mean by this?" She asked one of her many questions.

"Well, you were out for a while, so I decided to ask anyone that came and went what the deal was with this place." The rabbit man pointed to the stable keeper. "This guy and a bunch of others were telling me that we're in *Hyrule*, but that SHOULD be impossible." He tilted his head to one side.

"This...is Hyrule?" Zelda repeated, searching her memories for any place like this in the Hyrule she knew.

"Apparently, but that just can't be right. I just CAME from Hyrule, and I MET Zelda, and you're..." He suddenly paused, looking the woman next to him up and down. "...definitely different from her. So either someone's lying, or something is very wrong." He deduced.

"Well, I assure you, I am princess Zelda." She was quick to defend herself. "Who are you exactly?"

The man seemed shocked by her question, then nervously scratched his head. "Oh, my bad, I guess I forgot to introduce myself huh?" He chuckled.

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