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"Sora's missing?" Kairi folded her arms, shaking her head.

"You don't look too worried." Riku smirked.

"Hey, you know him, he's gonna make it back to us one way or another." She smiled, sitting comfortably on the sideways sitting tree.

"Well, safe or not, Im gonna find him. After that whole situation during the mark of mastery, he probably shouldn't be on his own for too long." Riku stretched his arms.

"Sounds like YOU'RE worried about him." She giggled.

"Worried that he'll do something stupid more like. Donald and Goofy don't even know where he is, so he'll probably stay lost if someone doesn't go get him." Riku started to walk off, set with his new task. "Besides, Id like to get to know more about this other place we're connected too anyways."

"What? Is that where he is?" Kairi replied, now completely invested in the conversation.

"Yeah. Yen Sid told me about this road that showed up out of nowhere. It doesn't lead to worlds like the ones that we've been too so far, its more like...an entrance to a new realm entirely."

It took Kairi a moment to process the comment. "A new realm..." She repeated.


"Its just...incredible. At one point, this little island was our whole world, and now it feels like every other day there's something new out there."

Riku was taken aback for a moment as her words sunk in. Not too long ago, he was curious about the outside world himself, and now, he found himself traversing it without a second thought.

"We've come pretty far huh?" He smirked.


They sat once again with no words, any sound now overtaken by the waves crashing against the sand in its same repetitive motion.

"So, adventure time yet again?" Kairi broke the mild silence.

"Yup, and don't think about following me this time either. You and Lea still have training to do." Riku commanded jokingly. "We'll take care of this one."

"I know better than that." She laughed as she hopped off the tree. "Just stay safe and bring Sora back."

"I'll bail him out again, count on it." He began again towards his gummi ship.

"Oh, Riku! One more thing!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|Later - Inside Riku's Gummi Ship|

Riku kept his grip tight on the steer, navigating his way through the seemingly endless vast space.

"Guess I should head to the castle and see if Donald and Goofy can come with me. Probably shouldn't go alone." He thought too himself.

He set the coordinates for Disney Castle, and put the ship on course. The silence set in once again, leaving him to nothing but his thoughts. He went back to Kairi's words from earlier.
- - - - - -
"Oh, Riku! One more thing!"


"Make sure to keep that new realm safe."

Riku stared, baffled by her odd request. "Why should I? Who knows what kind of trouble that place could bring if I left it alone."

"I get the feeling thats not the case." She stated, confident.

"I can try, but no promises." He waved her off.

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