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Riku looked up from the bottom of the mountain, scaling it with his eyes. A sigh left his lips as he realized he'd have to actually scale it.

He took one more glance around the ship, reassuring himself that he placed it in a safe spot. There appeared to be no heartless or any other monster so far. With a confident nod, he kneeled, preparing himself for a leap.

He began to glow a bright blue, and his hair began to flow gently, almost as if a gentle breeze had appeared.

He leaped up, and flowed from rock to rock in flawless succession. On his journey up, he could feel the air become warmer.

In hopes of the others wellbeings, he hastily made his way to the top. Once he made it up, he glanced over the edge to get a view of the beast inside the volcano.

"No sign of the others. I'd better hurry down there." He thought to himself. Without further hesitation, he leaped into the wide open volcano. The dive felt reminiscent to that of his test everytime he would go to a new world. In a way, this wasn't too far off from that.

Like before, the beast revved up an attack, and chucked molten lava directly at him. Riku managed to effortlessly weave out of the way, as his test allowed him good practice for ariel control. No matter what was thrown at him, he managed to avoid it.

It ceased its assault once the boy got too close, allowing Riku to dive and land swiftly on its back. As he gained his bearings, he glanced around the odd structure. Since there seemed to be nothing else of interest, he made his way directly toward the center console. He examined its odd design, specifically the glowing slot.

"MIDNA?! XION?! WHERE'D YOU GUYS GO?!" He hollard.

"Riku?! Finally!! Get in here, Xion and Yunobo need back up!!" He heard Midna's voice in his mind.

"Ok but...where ARE you guys?!" Riku searched around once more, just to assure that he wasn't dreaming.

"Oh shoot! Hold on-" Midna halted him. Riku waited patiently on a response with crossed arms.


"Come on big guy, I know you're tired, but we gotta get our friend in here!" Midna hovered over the exhausted Goron.

"Ugh, easier said than done kiddo. Phew!" He attempted to sit up, only to fall right down on his backside. His attention was on the battle. His descendant fought alongside the young girl against the mysterious enemy to the best of their abilities. It was large, scary, and dangerous. It'd been a long time since an opponent gave him that much trouble. He turned his attention back to Midna, who had a fixed look of panic on her face. The fighters could only hold out for so long. With a sigh, he went ahead to offer up his next idea. "If you've got the energy to spare, then be my guest, I'll lend you the power!"

"Wait, I can do it?" Midna seemed shocked at his offer.

"Not quite, I kinda have to do it *through* you..." He hesitated as he looked at the very confused creature above him. "Gaahh, forget it. To show is easier than to tell, right? Face the other way!"

Midna followed his command, and felt his very large hand on her back. "H-hey, what are you-?!"

"Close your eyes, hold out your hands, and focus." He told her as he proceeded to do the same.

Midna did as she was told, and outstretched her arms. She could feel a strange warmth flow into her, an odd energy. She did her best to focus on Riku, and form the same light that allowed them entrance.

She felt the warmth on her face as the bright light began to form before them, and envelop them both.

"Good! I'll hold it open, you drag him in here!" Daruk shouted, doing his best to hold the power together. Using her hair, Midna reached right through, earning a surprised gasp from the teen as she got a grip on him.

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