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"Who do you think you are?!" The irritated character stomped his foot.

"I could be asking you the same thing!" The newcomer crossed his arms.

"It's just one fool after the next isn't it? Time and time again SOMETHING worms its way into my business!" He held out his arms. The flames seeped out, and formed themselves into masses. He put them together above himself, combining the two into one large ball of flame. He began to float, his power only growing larger.

"YOU, you ALWAYS manage to pull something to undermine me, this ceases TODAY!" His angry eyes directed toward Link, who already had his shield in hand.

"DIE!" He began to throw his attack. Before he could go through with it, a hand took grip of his arm, ceasing the developing the developing fire. He turned, greeted by a gloved hand that stuck out from a swirl of shadows.

"W-WHAT?!" He yelled out. Before he could say much else, he was snatched into the portal behind him.

"H-hey wait a minute!!" Sora shouted his hand stretched outward. Before he could do much else, the shadows had dispersed, leaving the sky as their only background.

"W-who was that? Who are you? What's going on?!" Zelda suddenly began to panic. Link was tempted to try and ease her, but he was just as confused as she was. On instinct, he stood in front of her, blade in hand, questioning the newcomers motives.

The boy suddenly turned, and gazed upon the both of them with his own bright ocean blue eyes. Link became hesitant about his mistrust. He didn't seem like a threat. He even went out of his way to protect Zelda. Who was this?

Even after glancing at the blade aimed toward him, he offered a large smile. "I could've sworn I said my name was Sora!" He chuckled a tad, throwing his hands behind his head.

Link turned back to Zelda, who appeared to have released the tension she was holding onto a moment ago. Following her lead, Link let out a sigh, and placed his blade back into its sheath.

"Well I'm glad you two...are..." Sora started slurring, and his body began swaying soon after. His fall began, but Link caught him before he could hit the ground. He'd passed out. Link turned to Zelda, hoping she had a plan of action in mind. She stood, staring at her savior lying unconscious in Links arms.

"What in Hylia has been going on these last few days?" She let out an exhausted groan, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Well, nothing will be answered by standing here. Let's bring him back inside." She turned around toward the castle, defeated.

Link stands back up, Sora in hand, and follows her back inside.

Once inside, Link decides to take him to the room he had been residing in since the downfall of calamity. Zelda agrees for the time being, and follows him down the long hallway.

With caution, he lays him down. They both stand over him, as if they were waiting for him to open his eyes right then and there, but to no avail.

"Whats this?" She leaned in, getting a better look at the unconscious Sora. She gazed heavily at his ears, curious about their shaping. She then poked her own in comparison. "So this is what Urbosa meant." She concluded. "Who is this boy? And if he isnt Hylian, why does he look like one? Where did he come from? And what was that magic he used to defend me earlier?!" She kept throwing out a spew of questions, looking toward Link in slight hopes of an answer, only to receive a shrug in response.

Zelda gave another sigh, and placed her head in her hands, gaining Links worry.

"I can't keep track of it all." She started, her voice breaking in exhaust. "The kingdom is having problem after problem, the Gerudo are in an endless sleep with no explanation and no way to wake them up, and people who we don't even know have a grudge against us!!" She stands and begins pacing. Link stares with unease, unsure of what to say next, if anything at all. She took a glance back at him, realizing that her panic was stressing him out as well, albeit unintentionally. She took a deep breath, and let it out, growing a determined look.

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