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It became close to afternoon by the time they'd nearly made it to their destination. Riku turned toward his comrades, who were both resting soundly in the seats behind him.

"Will this thing really be able to get us back to where we belong?" Riku was able to hear the uncertainty in Midna's question.

"Might not look like it now, but once its fixed up, our chances will only get better." He smirked confidently, keeping his hands on the unsteady steering.

"Heh, I'll believe that when I see it." She scoffed. It was easy to imagine a wide smirk on her face as she said this.

Before much longer, they were able to spot the lab mentioned earlier by Riju. The tall hill led up toward what could be considered something of a tower. An odd contraption, something robotic-like, was collecting dust and growing grass on its exterior.

Riku figured the best place to land for now would be directly on the path, as the ship didn't have much time before it began a much more critical descent.

The person he was notified of to meet him here was already awaiting his arrival outside, smirking with her arms crossed.

As the ship clinked and clanked on the way down, it finally touched down on the dewey morning grass.

"Rise and shine guys." Riku smirked as he turned around to his drowsy companions.

Link was visibly irritated by his pre-mature awakening. He rubbed his eyes and forced himself out of his seat, as he knew it wouldnt be long before he was awoken again.

"We're here already? That was fast." Xion yawned, stretching her arms.

"Yeah, but I don't think she has another trip like that in her right now." Riku patted the ship's steering controls. "Why don't we meet this Purah person and see what we cant find out." He suggested. The other two tiredly nodded before they all made their way outside the ship. They each had to shield their eyes as the bright sun rose from beyond the horizon.

"So, which one of you is Riku?" The white haired young woman walked over to greet them.

She got a good look at all of them, until her eyes inevitably landed on the young blonde in the green tunic. They stared at one another before Link began to get just a tad uneasy with her gaze.

"You...look a LOT like a friend of mine who just left." She studied him closely. He admits to her that he's gotten that a lot these past two days. He introduced himself.

"N-no way?!" She seemed almost startled, which everyone was accustomed to at this point.

"Its kind of a long story." Riku scratched his head. "But the one you're looking for is me." He outstretched his hand.

"I figured as much, your ears are odd, and you've got a weird outfit just like Sora." She shook his hand, but still glanced over his attire, completely failing to notice the stunned look on his face.

"You've met Sora?!" Both he and Xion said in unison. She nodded, and gave them a wide smile.

"Guess we both have some stuff to talk about. Let's go inside!" She waved them over toward the door of the lab.

As they walked over, they'd noticed the town below, working to rebuild some of the damaged homes and shops.

"What happened here?" Riku didn't take his eyes off of the scene.

"Like I said, we've both got some explaining to do." Purah continued to hold the door open. They made their way inside, impressed with the amount of decor and paper scattered around the wooden insides. Her partner was pacing around the center of the room with the Beta pad in hand, re-watching the video over and over in hopes of finding something new.

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