32. Presentation

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"Ran, put Bunny's diaper in the car please. And make sure to check everything we need is in there. Ok? Bring the carrier also. We might need it later. Mami are you done? Grandma called they're on their way already." Its a special and busy day today. Bunny just turned 1 month and we will be presenting her to the temple as well as to give merits too.

Bunny is just busy sleeping while everyone in the house is a mess for the preparations. She's blessed, i envy here sometimes.

"Mami you done?" i asked as i finished putting on my earrings.

She went out of the bathroom all glammed up and i cant stop but stare at her. You're so blessed too Samanun! I thought as i tapped my chest.

"Do we really need to wear Chakkraphat for today? I mean, i know as an Anuntrakul, i should already be used to this but I'ts all so grand and - - -" Mon started to mumble but i ignore all of it. I havent even heard the half of what she said, i just so amazed of her beauty. "Mama! Are listening?"

"You are so beautiful Mami." i blurted out.

Mon just looked at me and rolled her eyes.  "So im here all rambling and everything about grandma's extravagant preparations and here you are, not listening at all."

"Mami, relax ok? You look amazing with that Chakkraphat. No, you're amazing in everything you wear, everyday."

"You are too, you looks so regal." she looked at me with admiration.  "But Mama! Thats not my concern is!" she said and stumped her feet on the way to the nursery. I pulled her back to my arms before she even leave the room.

"I know. I know. Im sorry for not focusing but we both know Grandma. She loves planning celebrations like this. If we chose to do a Buddhist Wedding before, its going to be a wedding of the century. Anuntrakuls are very serious with ceremonies like this Mami. Just let her do what she wants? You know how much she loves Bunny and she wants the best for her Reen."

"i understand. Im just not yet used to this, you know." she said and kissed me

"I know but this is just the start Mami. Were doing this 12 times until Bunny's birthday and will be doing this yearly to celebrate it. Its better to just accept this Mami." i replied as i hugged her tighted.  "But you're really extra beautiful today Tee rak. I think i will always look forward to Bunny's monthly visit to the temple if you'll always wear this everytime." i said and stared at her.

Mon just pinched my nose. "You're so good with words Samanun." the kissed me. "but i love it." Mon then gave her wife a wink.

"I know you would. Now lets get our baby girl here. I love her dress. Im sure Grandma especially had that made for her."

"As if what were wearing are not especially tailored for us too." Mon said.

Were all wearing white Chakkraphat with adorning crystals and gold accents while Bunny is wearing her gold colored dress. Custom made for all of us attending her temple presentation. Grandma planned to wear white for all of us and gold only for Bunny. The Anuntrakuls are screaming wealth today, im sure that's one of the many media topics tomorrow if were not keen with our privacy and all. Grandma even asked to close the Emerald Buddha Temple for Bunny's presentation and merit giving, things only royals could do.

With Mon carrying Bunny, and me driving, off we went to the temple where our family are waiting.

"Ready Mami? Ow, is the baby awake?" i asked as i look back. Good thing Mon starts to alternately feed Bunny using a bottled breast milk , or else, nursing here with this dress will be a big problem.

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