36 - Sisters

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"You're early."

I glanced at the door to see my sister enter with a cup of coffee on both hands.

"I need to. Im out of work for 2 days coz of Bunny's 3rd merit and " i stopped and gave my attention back to my paper works

"And?" she put one of the cups she's holding on the space a few inches away from the papers im signing.

"Nothing..." i said and sighed. She just laughed at me.

"That's a deep sigh for nothing. Come on tell me, i have a miraculously free morning today, im willing to listen and i might help."

"Or not. Just let me work ok?"

"But what if i can? My goodness Samanun, cant you just tell me what's bothering you? Let me be your older sister ones in a while you barmy."

I just rolled my eyes, took the coffee she gave and leaned on my chair.

"Ow please stop with your fake british accent, its giving me headaches."

"Hey be proud! I learned from your wife! But thats not the issue here. Now, tell me what's wrong with you and Mon."

"There's nothing wrong with us ok. Its just we somehow talked about something months before and i cant help but think about it."

"Ok, i know you think of me as an intelligent person and i know i am Sam but i cant guess on your private conversations ok? Tell me more."

I just gave a glare but she just raised a brow on me.

"I told Mon i want another baby, one i will be carrying. I want to experience what she had with Bunny." i confessed, she's silent for a while.

"Ow, are you sure with that? I mean you know pregnancy differs from every woman right?"

"Thats what she asked me too but im ready. I know im ready."

"Woah, i expected this one coming but i never thought this early . You know, Bunny just turned 3 months right? Its gonna be hard for you two especially for Mon. She'll be dealing with an infant and a hormonal version of you, which i knew will be the worst part of the whole pregnancy, if you decided to pursue this."

"Thank you very much for the kind words Sipakhon."

"Lets be real here Samanun. You, pregnant and hormonal in one sentence will be the death of everyone around you. We don't have the patience and love Mon has, to stay. If you really pursue this, im telling Grandma to let you off the business the whole year so we can all have a peace of mind while working here in the company. I personally don't think i can handle a pregnant you Sam, only Mon can do that out of her love for you. You can say I don't love you enough but that's the reality Samanun."

I just chuckled at Neung's honesty and real talk.  "Im actually thinking about that too."

"Ow thank Buddha! See? Even you! Imagine having you here in all pregnant and sensitive then a minor, just a minor problem happened? Im sure this whole building will blow up Sam! You'll terrorize everyone again!"

"As if you're not used to it already."

"Hey, you might not think of it but you changed a lot after Mon and then Bunny came into your life. You're different from the old you Sam. You're more , how do i explain this, hmmm, you're more calm, relax, easy to work with. Tamed? Yeah i think that's the exact word. Tamed."

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