Book 2: 10

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High in the sky, the sun beamed down upon the world, painting everything in its warm glow. The sounds of nature were in full chorus outside the window, with birds singing their sweet melodies and the rustling of leaves in the garden. Yet, Diva was blissfully ignorant of it all, lost in a dreamlike haze not wanting to ever wake up to the reality. Suddenly, the shrill noise of a lawn mower sliced through the tranquillity, and she let out an exasperated groan, cursing whoever had left the window ajar. Still enveloped in the soft warmth of her blankets, she burrowed deeper, relishing the coolness of the sheets against her skin as she attempted to return to her slumber.

Unfortunately for her, the monotonous hum of the vacuum cleaner emanated from the other room disrupting her peace. With a deep sigh, she gave up on any hopes of sleep and slid her hand under the pillow, retrieving her phone. The bright display illuminated her face as she squinted to check the time, silently cursing the intrusion that had shattered her tranquility.

13:30 pm.

She let out an exasperated breath realizing that she had slept the entire morning away. However, the medicines had left her feeling perpetually drowsy and fatigued, and it was a wonder that she had managed to stir at all. Had it not been for the incessant chatter of the gardeners outside, she might have slept well into the evening, lost in a sea of drugged slumber.

She remained in bed mindlessly staring at the ceiling wondering how it was to everyone's benefit if she would have perished in the sea. It was a thought that incessantly plagued her, especially in the quiet moment with no one around.

From the dark recesses of her mind, a voice spoke with a hint of resignation, "Perhaps next time, I will succeed." But before she could indulge in her despair, her better self stirred to action. It reminded her of all the reasons she should keep fighting, all the luxuries and comforts that her life afforded her. She could indulge her every whim, savor the finest delicacies in the most extravagant restaurants, and summon whatever she desired with a snap of her fingers. Yet despite her privilege, she felt a gnawing emptiness that consumed her. In the past, she had at least felt something - rage, frustration, irritation - but now, more often than not, she felt nothing. A hollow existence with no purpose or direction.

The words 'Live for revenge' echoed through her mind. It was the path she had yearned to take, the only way to set right the wrongs that had been done to her

'Revenge' she chuckled bitterly wanting such luxury with no power or source in her hand. She wasn't the protagonist of some fairytale where the universe conspired to make everything fall perfectly into place for her to have her revenge. Nor she was a cunning person, capable of seaming a web of deceit or coming up with a master plan. Heck, the moment she would even take a step with the wrong intention her head would be blown off. Darmon had made sure of that. All she had was herself and the max she could do was hurt them with her words however that wasn't enough to make her feel alive.

"You woke up?" Her number one reason asked, pushing the curtains away so that the natural light could illuminate the room.

Diva stirred to rise up as Jungkook hastened beside her to aid her. Getting up was a major problem her fractured rib caused beside it, she was able to do normal activities with minimal pain thanks to the painkillers.

Clinging onto Jungkook's bicep, Diva shuffled towards the washroom, grateful for his steady support. Once inside, she tended to her needs while he set about preparing the necessary medications. The absence of his usual chipper energy was palpable. Jungkook had always been a morning person, exuding an unparalleled level of vitality even before the sun had fully risen. His love for the gym ensured that most of their mornings were spent with Diva dozing off as he vigorously worked out. And yet, he always made it a point to be back in time to wish his beloved a good morning before the clock struck eleven. The stillness that lingered in the air was an unwelcome deviation from their norm.

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